Chapter 28

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Once I got home, I explained everything to my parents. They were surprisingly happy that I was doing such a great thing to save a life. We agreed that I wouldn't go to the stock show this year. I needed to recover and I couldn't do that at a stock show.

I packed a small bag for the hospital tomorrow and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was around 10 in the morning. I had for almost 14 hours. The accident apparently took a lot out of me.

I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I didn't bother putting on any makeup. My hair went up into a high ponytail. I checked my phone hoping that there was something from Grant but there wasn't anything. I rolled my eyes and decided that it was officially over. He needed to learn how to sallow his pride and accept this.

I climbed the stairs to the main level of of our house. It was empty. The top floor was empty too. I checked the refrigerator for a note.

"Went to your sister's volleyball tournament. We leave for the stock show tonight. Good luck on your operation. Aunt Jane will be here to take care of you."

I hung the note back to the fridge and rolled my eyes. Their daughter was having surgery but they chose to go to the volleyball tournament. Some parents they are. At least I'll have Aunt Jane here.

For the next several hours I watched TV.

Then at 2 o'clock I took my bag and put it in my car. My car started up when I turned the key. I cruised down the highway to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, I checked in at the front desk. A nurse then took me to my room: Room 418. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that. Being on the same floor as Grant was not in my plan of not seeing him at all.

There was a knock at the door. I turned around and saw it was Alexa.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She asked.

"Oh I've had better days," I replied.

"I heard about Grant. I'm sorry to hear that you two broke up." She said.

"Yeah I guess we just had a difference of opinions on a big subject." I said.

That's what I continued to tell people who asked why we broke up.

Alexa gave me hug, told me to change to the hospital gown, and that Dr. King would be in shortly.

The hours in the drug by. Besides watching TV there wasn't a lot to do in a hospital. My thoughts wandered back to Grant.

Clarissa came tonight to visit me. We watched TV together and had our typical complaining session. We weren't complainers but during these sessions we complained about everything. I would be lost without her.

Clarissa left around nine and I went to sleep around eleven. I was anxious about the surgery and hoped that some sleep would help.

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