Chapter 22

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We must have both fallen asleep while watching Grey's Anatomy. I woke up around 4:30 with Grant's arms wrapped around my torso. I grabbed his hands that were around my stomach and laced my hands through his. I stared at his hands and flash backed to our first date.

I had just got out of the show ring with my lamb named "Bugs" at state fair. I saw him there sitting in one our chairs talking to Leon. "Bugs" won his class and I was beaming.

Leon took "Bugs" from me and whispered, "Good luck" in my ear.

I gave him a puzzled look but quickly shook it off when I saw Grant. I had a crush on him forever. We talked a lot at livestock judging contests but I hardly saw him so the crush kinda faded. Every time I saw him though, it would start back up like a roaring wildfire.

"Hey," I cooed. "What's up?" I said with a smile.

He looked down at his boots and looked back up at me.

"Umm, I was wondering if you would,"

He kicked some dirt with his boot, put his hands in his pocket, and raised his shoulders.

"Go to the 4-H dance tomorrow night with me?" he gasped.

"Woah, slow down and yes I would love to," I proclaimed.

"Okay meet you back here at the lamb pens at 6 tomorrow," Grant confirmed.

"Okay, sounds amazing."

Grant flashed me a quick smile and went on his way. I let out a little mini shriek just loud enough so only I could hear. I was on top of the world right now. I wasn't planning on going to the dance, so hopefully I had some clothes that were dance worthy. After three hours of digging through my suitcase and mixing and matching pieces of clothing I finally had an outfit.

A peach colored lace spaghetti strap dress with a brown belt, jean jacket, and a pair of peach flats. I forgot about the outfit I gave my speech in, until I was two hours into digging. I pulled my dress and shoes from my speech. I brought a jean jacket from home.

Clothes were strung every where when I heard my siblings and parents coming up the hall. I quickly picked up threw them in the suitcase. I zipped up my suitcase and acted as natural as possible.

I remember that night and the rest of the day flying by. There was a judging event that day and my head was in the clouds. Surprisingly, I did pretty well considering the circumstances. When it was 4:30 I headed back to the hotel room to get ready for the dance. I took a quick shower to wipe the state fair smell off and dived into my hair. I tried so many different styles, but it was impossible to choose which one I liked best. Laura helped me decided through a series of picture messages. She recommend a few to. I decided on a braid similar to the one that Katniss Everdeen wears. It just wasn't as good as the movies. I slipped into the dress and applied a little makeup. I was never on to use heaps of makeup. Just keep it simple was my motto.

At 5:30 I slipped into my flats and trekked off to the fair grounds to meet my date. I wasn't keen on the idea of waiting in a sheep barn in a pair of flats but what was I going to do about it.

Grant showed up at 5:45. He looked amazing. He wore a pair of khaki shorts and a soft blue polo shirt. And of course how could we forget his Sperrys.

"What have you done with Becca?" He asked.

I let out a little giggle.

"I'm pretty sure that she should still be locked in the closet," I smirked sarcastically checking an invisible watch on my wrist.

"Then who are you?" Grant questioned dramatically.

"Becca's good twin," I confessed.

"Well Becca's good twin you look fantastic," He exclaimed.

"You don't look to bad yourself," I gushed.

He took my hand and thousand emotions rushed through my body. He took me across the fairgrounds to the green. He paid the entrance cost and we made our way across the green. We danced for a few fast songs until a slow song came on. He pulled me in close. We danced. At 9 o'clock the dance ended. We probably slow danced together to five songs. On the last one it all felt natural.

After the dance, Grant took me to the carnival. We rode a few rides before he was insistent that we ride the Ferris Wheel. I was a little hesitant because I didn't really wasn't a fan of heights. He convinced me to go on it anyways. Toward the top I started to freak out a bit. I remember it because I was so embarrassed.

Grant must could have told I was frightened. I had balled up my knuckles and the whites were showing.

Grant took my hands and whispered, "Your okay, I got you."

I nodded a little taking a gulp.

He held my hands the whole way through and I though that was the sweetest thing ever.

When we got off the Ferris Wheel, he gave me a peck on the cheek.

Grant walked me to my car and there we shared our first kiss together. He brushed the loose strand that I had left out of my braid from my face. He leaned in and gave me a kiss.

Grant leaned over from his bed and gave me a kiss.

"What are you thinking about babe?" Grant questioned.

"Nothing," I whispered, shaking my head.

I stared back at the hands that kept me safe. Safe from flipping out on a Ferris Wheel anyways.

I smiled at him giving him a kiss back.


Kinda of a filler/background  chapter about their first date.  I might do a few more flashback chapters but I don't know for sure.




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