Chapter 8

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After 10 minutes of waiting the nurse finally returned with news about Grant.

"So how is he?" I cooed.

"Right now they are just finishing surgery to try to stop the internal bleeding, he should be out soon. Several broken bones. There are also several signs that show bleeding on the brain. They will perform some tests and scans, after surgery is over to confirm the bleeding on the brain, " she affirmed.

I nodded and choked up. I tried to keep the tears in but it was impossible. I nurse came over and gave me hug.

"He'll get better, but it will be a slow process," the nurse said.

"When can I see him?" I asked.

"Not until the surgery is over and he is out of recovery," she explained. "Get some rest,"

I nodded and the nurse walked away.

I checked my phone, there were three new text message notifications. One from Grant's Mom letting me know that she was only two hours away. One from my Mom saying that they were going to be there in a hour. The last one from Leon. He was bringing me my stuff.

I felt tired, so I shut my eyes and dozed off into a deep slumber.

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