Chapter 5

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Sir. Haetu? Who is that?

My mind speculate on some sort of names. Are they selling me to a pimp?

No that would not be. There is no prostitution with a man in charge in ancient times.
I sigh sinking in to the soft cushion place on the seat. Everything seem to be far fancy in this room, golden silk, fancy gold plates and some nice view from the balcony even see in far there was something that it cannot be given to a servant.

The door open and before I knew it. I was back on my feet, the man was properly dressed as an Egyptian man and was dashingly handsome. The man was very familiar, a familiar face similar to the person who accompany the prince The prince who took me here.

"My lady, His highness awaited you in the banquet hall."
His shocked look was also faded with his brilliant smile.

I nod my head and followed Sir. Haetu out of the room and to the banquet hall crossing large hallways and seeing such night with lanterns as light as stars.

My dress dragging as I walk and my nervous beats comes more noticeable as I go deeper in where the venue is.
Finally he stop and offer a hand. "Shall I, my lady."

I reach my hand to his and we continue inside the banquet hall. People staring at me was a bit of nervous but it was all the same of reaction of mine when there was some gatherings when I'm with my brother Alex.

Haetu bowed to me a little and I was left on the center, infront of the handsome man, the man who rumored to be that does not know how to approach woman.
I glance to him and he give me a smirk before he walked towards me and sweeping me in his one arm.

"What are you doing let me go." I whisper.

People looks satisfied and the woman look like an admiration.
He continue to say something to the crowd before he place me beside his throne.

"Be a good girl and stay beside me~" his smile were more revolting than his current look but it was more like a charm to him.
I look away and look at the dancers dancing with their pride and happiness.

"You look good when you dressed like this." He said while he reach the wine glass to his lips.

"T-thanks. I guess" I look down. The shameful dress it is, there were more skin showing than a pair of normal shorts.

I glance back to him with his face very pleased on what was happening. His eyes were coil black and his hair were dark brown, his perfectly tan skin was a plus with his perfectly manly face.

"Why are you staring at me. " my reality snap in 3 second after realizing that the prince look at me with such a charm and stealing glances at me.
"You should not look like that to the demi-god".

He reach his hand to me pulling me closer to him. I squeal like scared small animal. I slowly open my eyes to see he was inches close to my face. " your such a beauty. I might not want to release you to your country." He smirk to me.


He closes in to me more just the moment that I was able to responds. "Please be good. Not here!"

He get his space back and with wide eyes he burst into laughter. "You are a strange woman." He loosen the grip of his hands on my wrist and let go. "I do not even touch girls under 13".

Excuse you, I'm 16 turning 17 next month.
If I look like nothing of my age that is because of my height. 4'9 but I got a bust like my age and a waist that is something I'm proud of. Though it was good enough.

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