Chapter 25

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" I just ask one favor Your majesty, give back what you took or pay back the emotion I gave you ". She turn around like a lady and wipe her tears away as she mumbles some prayer before looking to me again, " Magnolia. I don't know what to feel, how... could you love someone that forced you into political marriage, your not suppose to love me. " I stated to her, which left her shock but I know deep inside my head that this girl also hated me for the very reason of this marriage. This girl want to live with her sisters and mother and wanted to be in love with true feelings. 
She isn't that type of woman who falls for their enemy. At least that's what Haetu told me as an intel.

" I.. I just did... I apologize Your Majesty ".

I sigh and walked towards her embracing her, covering her feminine body. " Magnolia do not weep anymore, your being loved. I did my best to share the emotion of my concubines ". She looked up to me and gave a small smile, " My gratitude ".

She lean in and hugged me back. As much as I wanted to be beside with Peony again and share the emotion I have felt for her for many years that passed, I couldn't, this woman will cry and feel left behind. I will just have to play for this mini game for a while. I cannot let my guards down, not after the omen from the gods.

Peony POV:

The general set down opposite and gave me a smile, " may I?" He said.

I look to where was Cairu standing and noticed that he wasn't there anymore, I slowly look back to Haetu and asked,
" Where is the Cairu ? ". He jug down a cup of wine before answering me. " The Pharaoh told me to accompany you for a bit since he needs to attend an important matter. Don't worry he will be back ".

What would that be ?

My curious side wanting to know what is this so important that he couldn't even tell me before he go.
I shrugged out any thoughts and continue on, enjoying the meal and the drinks with the general.
We spent hours talking and laughing until we decided to take a stroll.
We walked exploring the palace's balcony as we talk some comedies and some interesting things, about Cairu, the Royals, Him... he talked about himself how he wanted to become one of the Pharaoh's subordinate whom the Pharaoh can relay on and the most loyal subject. I have to agree, he is very devoted.

" I run away ". I look to him confused. " ah? Excuse me" he chuckle making his sentence more clear, " I run away from my family because they were not supportive to what I want. They rather make me into a merchant and cower down, taking my tail between my legs ". He stated with a slight grit. " I apologize I didn't mean to act like that. I might have scared you " he laughs off everything to make that feeling go away however, I understand him... in some sort of way...

" I understand". He pause and look to me, " I also did the same". He was in a moment of calculating then he suddenly jump at me with his hands on the sides of my shoulder, "WHAT! what did you just say ". I look to where his hands were and look back to his shocked face. I know he couldn't handle it but should I continue further? Why does I feel I want to tell him the truth why I'm here in the first place... he might not gonna believe me.

" Please... ahmmm " I look away as this position is considered intimate with this close with the general, one step away he might...

" I apologize! " he said startling himself. " I did not expect that the future Queen of Egypt also did run away from home... but how if I may ask ".

I look out to the balcony and see the sunset setting out to the wide skies, the beauty of the sky reminds me when I first came in this ancient time.
" You might not believe it... I run away because I was forced into marriage ". I slight took a peak to his reaction and he was at daze, he completely was in a blank state. " I did not know that man, I just woke up from a deep sleep after accident happen to me ". 

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