Chapter 16

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I let it be, if that is the norm in Thebes, might as well go with it. Plus I don't have bodyguard if ever I wanted to dress like that, I don't have someone to justify me that I'm from upper Egypt if not the same eyes like Cleo directly recognizing such lavish criteria.
After letting Cleo do what she wants she also asked me, " can I also do your makeup?" She said excited like the mother she is.

"Fine I guess. " she giggled in happiness as I continue to eat my meal that she brought.


The smooth texture of the fabric and how silky it is that falls down from my hips and to my knees, the bangles that hangs in my wrist, and arm accessories that goes with it. I look beautiful, not lavish beautiful, but simple beautiful. A pink and gold coordination with no gem and any expensive looking jewelry, though the fabric seem expensive but Cleo told me it isn't.
My hair was thrown with soft curls and small hair clip that resemble as a small snake which she saw in the vendor's down the street. Ever thing look very beautiful, the makeup was making me believe it wasn't me.

"Huhu~ do you like it. You look like a goddess." Goddes..right... My mission... focus on the mission that Bastet let me go in.

"Thank you, It's beautiful." I look back to her and she was with her handkerchief sniffing her nose elegantly. "Oh, my daughter... I missed her. Dressing her like this and giving her makeup, combing her hair... " her teary eyes that did not represent sadness but instead proud and joy in it roll down her cheek which she quickly wipe out by a small tap.
" I heard from Marlon that she was a priestess." She nod to me and kept her handkerchief. "Yes, and she is very far away now. She was relocated to give bleassing and the temple she was protecting is far. The temple of Love." My eyes shocked open. "The temple of Love?!" I repeated.

Cleo was shocked that I raised my voice but she disregard it.

"Why?" My heart skip a beat from the idea that Egyptian has temple of Love, but praying into one would not hurt but to whom? To my mother... and to... Cairu.. that's what's inside my head, Cairu. How is he doing.

" anyway let's continue outside. I'm sure you'll love to see the musicians and songs floating in the air." She said with excitement in her voice which she is always has been since I met her last night.

We got out of the inn after she changed into a beautiful deep blue dress with white rope like belt that goes around her waist and her arm was with with flowery fabric the same color as her dress.

"Isnt it lovely today?" She said looking up to the bright sky, and me smiling endlessly as I see different items.
"I supposed it is." But one thing is for sure, everyones eyes is on me. There look was following my step that make me uncomfortable, I though in Egypt woman in such styles like more skin showing people does not matter but right now there eyes staires to me with a all attention.
Cleo seem to notice that too and told me not to tense it. " Amon?" Cleo's voice said in a murmur that caught my attention back to her. The woman's eyes squint in a far looking for the person named Amon. 

She look back to me with a click of a tongue. " never mind." She look to me and with a big smile we stoped to our tracks,
" darling, we have arrived to the first destination. Ladies in Thebes loves makeup and as a womanly advice we should first visit this." After hearing what she said I was about to disagree to her, I was about to say that I wanted to go more on the wild side like a fighting arena, a medicine area or maybe... before I knew it I was pulled inside the room that was filled with soothing and pleasant scent, rose, cinnamon, Orange, and other kind of Scent mixing together making a whole new scent inside the room. "This is my favorite spot." She hummed.

I look around and saw ladies and woman's enjoying and testing out kinds of makeup to there lips, cheeks and other areas of there face like a cosmetic store.
Cleo tugged me to see the other room that was filled with perfumes and we suddenly stopped. I was dumb founded of a new discovery I had, I never knew Egypt has a cosmetic store in this time of age, they know how to make a cosmetic and perfumes. " Amon!" She said almost a yell but her voice seem happy and jumpy. I followed Cleo and lead us to a tall man with light blonde hair that almost seems white, his eyes was in a blue to grey like tone of eyes and his skin was tan. He was like those dolls that is so foreign like. "You are so tall now, and oh... those muscles. " Cleo slowly pinch and teasingly talk to the man name Amon, the handsome man that I neverr thought exiest in Egypt. I mean aside of the pharoh's son Cairo.

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