Chapter 18 - The Mother of Nature: Nepthys

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Nepthys the name that was bestowed for her and now she is the official goddess that can access a celestial power like Ra and Isis and other gods and goddess though Peony does not know what does this means she comfort her self that one day she will know that and will use that to protect her mother, Egypt and the people and to serve the Phraoh.

As she was kneeling infront of Cairo she noticed some features that is not him, a more manly features, a totally developed features and to Cairo he saw the beauty of Peony, the more developed and mature Peony.

"You have become more beautiful, Chione". The deep and initimadating voice of the new Phraoh almost startled Peony to her knees but she can only raise before she speaks which after she had and look at Cairo with a distant looks and indifference, a totally different aura of Peony that Cairo does not even know.

" your majesty is being to kind that he even see the beauty of a goddess. Nepthys's gratitude towards you." She bowed and with one step back she turn herself to where she belongs and that is to her mother Neith, beside her she was verified and with a strong voice Neith announced the success of the ceremony and the people praised with a sync voice, "praise the Goddess", " long live the Phraoh". The hopes of Egyptian people was to the sun as the golden blessed day arrived they know that this omen is powerful and it will create a better future for Egypt. For Cairo he has that responsibility that cannot be denied but he has also a feelings for Peony that still lasted long. The way she answered him was cold and bitter,distant that broke his heart.

He tried to forget her but it was futile, he tries sleeping with other woman as his father recommend but his heart was still left to Peony, seeing her now even make him fall harder making him to aim for her more.
" son announced your first Queen, this is the perfect time. The gods and the Goddess is with us and they can guide us." The previou Phraoh said with determination and joy, advising his son about the great opportunity in this very day.

" I would like to ask the guidance of our gods and goddess to blessed this engagement". his eyes  can't help it but to fall back to Peony who has been listening and standing in the corner along with the other gods. Everyone was anticipating with joy as the Phraoh decided to announce the safety of Egypt in the very night of festivity.

" I would like the gods to blessed Nephthys, to be my Queen. "

Silence enveloped the hall, the gods look at each other and Peony stood there with frozen looks. The previous Phraoh was also shocked but because of how many qualities it is to marry a goddess it would do great to Egypt after all there is a history that the bloodline of royals came from the bloodlines of gods. The beautiful goddess did not speak and so Neith her mother step in, "Pardon me but can we wait for a settle agreement? ". Her words were low and subtle that the crowd did not hear them having a conversation infront.

" The Engagements is not possible, we will conduct it properly. For now enjoy the night." Ra said deciding while giving a glaire to the previous Phraoh.


I could not believe what he said, Cairo just announced a public engagement proposal.
I stood in the balcony with the warm breeze whispering to my ear while my head is totally fixed in the matter.
My mother tried to reason out with them but the qualities and blah- blah... the blabering. "Does he think he can get away with it just because he is a Phraoh!" I shouted out of frustration.

It is no use, I can shout all I want but this decision will end up bad.

"Peony." My mother said in a rush, she walk to me in a stead fast pace and I jump into her longing embrace, the warmth of her body and her rose scent was intoxicating, a mother warm embrace and emotions raised through me. "I missed you." I stated to her cuddling her even closer.
" baby, I missed you so much. I wished you were here with me". She said to me. There is a lot of questions for me that I wanted to ask to my mother like why is she here, why is she label dead in the original time. Is she really dead? And many more, and about the traces she left.
I wanna know everything but now her eyes fell to the ground and sigh, " I have done my best peony but it looks like the other gods agree to this engagement." I wasn't even bothered by it, I mean I wanted it to be because deep inside I still have that love for Cairo, it did not vanished but the thing is that now I found my mother my goal is completed, but she is with me a goddess, a mother of divine love, and so I understand where she stood in this matter she would have to hear everyone and because she is the Goddess that also protected Egypt's emotional aspect she is to go to prosperity of Egypt. I just can't take away my mother and live happily and normally even this king of age.

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