Chapter 35 : Final

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Peony POv:

My hands shake after seeing his body on the ground. I throw the sword and look back to a dear friend laying there slowly losing conciousnes. I place his he a higher than the average level to keep the blood stable, I panic at the sight of the arrow pierced in his back.

" Your Highness, It is a blessing to me that I meet you ". He sniffle, despite him struggling to a say a word.

I hushed him trying my best to keep him alive. I shouted out of my lungs for help, my bloody scream echoed through the walls. " Ge-..General Haetu, please hang on a little... Let's work this out ". My tears started to fall down my cheeks, hugging his body close to me.

" Leave it be, His Majesty needed you ", he said to me and his eyes travel to the bed where Cairo was laying. He was suffering from a little discomfort even taking the antidote that Haetu gave.

" He will also be alright. You gave him an antidote, but you, you are hurt ". He reach for my cheeks and wipe the tears with a butter smile.

" Whatever happen, you, Nepthys has become my little sister since then ". He continue to smile at me weakly.

I could not imagine losing Haetu in the process, I thought we had every guards in the palace but my calculation was not right. They might have noticed that someone is spying them.

Kera run to my aid and she gasped, her whole body stunned in place that ends her legs weak. Her eyes ridden and big shed of tears shows up next.

Haetu look back to Kera in pain and they both look in pain as their eyes lock. The General look up to me and said, " Tell me that my heart belongs to her ". My eyes widen in such news.

" No... no... you can't..." he shake his head and his body temperature started to go down.

" I don't think I can make it out ". I shake my head to him in disagreement. I want him to live, I want him to be happy with someone he love. The general I have known since then had become a great brother to me without me noticing. He had serve me and Cairo very well, he had became a good friend to us.

Kera arrived in front of us and I did not hesitate to give him to the arms of the woman he love. I slowly stand up and look to Cairo.

My hands cares the head of the Pharaoh while I observe painfully. This sign shows that I should not be here.

I lean down towards him and missed him on the cheek. " I love you, I'll never forget you ". I tap his hands and once more feel it with mine.

" What do you plan now ".

The voice of my dear mother. My whole spirit lighten up and call my mother's name as I look back to her with Cairo's hands with mine.

She did not look please, she did gave me this serious air around her but her eyes show that she greatly worried for me. Her arms crossed her chest and her body lean to he frame of the door way.
" Mother...", her lips grow thin as she bite it a little.

" I told you Peony, I warned you not come back. What can you do... you have already changed it like you plan but this isn't the end ". Her eyes gravely haunted me.

She was the one I wanted to look before but now that my heart being attached to someone who leaved here, the time were they do not exiest in the present.

" I will go back. I want just want him to live happily ". I said to her and she nod.

" If so, I will help you... but stay in much longer will harm your body ". She stated.
I already feel it, what she mean about hurting my body.
I already know this after my body started to feel heavy from time to time or how it is weak almost to failing.

" Mother, come with me ". I look back to her after examining what I feel in my body.

" I would want to but my soul is trapped within the time. But don't worry I wish you the best, I'm always watching... Peony ". She smiled finally.

I feel a bit cheated, I want to stay where she is but I think the price I must pay is the same to what she has now.
I thought about my loving brother, Dahlia, father... they might be stingy and can drive someone crazy but they loved me.

I look back to Cairo, " I will run Egypt, I want to erase the trace of fear of the people and give them the flourishing country they want. Please take care of Cairo ". I said to my mother and she nod.

Until then I, will leave after he recover. He will not see me or even remember me. I will just be part of his dreams.


Four months after, Egypt have a system that I have given out in order to keep peace and justice within the people.
Peace within the neighbouring nations come with a good benefit, I asked for trading goods and military reinforcement whenever it is needed.

The people is happy, the nobles are happy, the alliance is pleased. Everything is almost perfect. My work is almost done.

The time I will leave sadden me. Every time I look forward for that time I have goosebumps and my skin slowly colden.  I want to stay beside him, I want to embrace him once more but mother said it will be hard, it will bend me.

While I was walking Kera run towards me and with a big smile she was huffing for air.

" My lady! " she call out to me.

" Calm down and breath ". She smile to me that reaches to her ear.

I could not guess what happy thing is happening when she look at me with such gaze.

" The Pharaoh had awoken ". That happy thing shutter me. I was rejoicing with that but somehow, I want to break down into tears.

Kera's smile slowly fade and the next thing I know she pull me into her. Her height was overlapping mine, she was taller than me by 4 inches because of my height that stopped due to the pressure. I was staying longer than expected.

She caress the back of my head as we hugged tightly, like sisters who longed for each other before they give both of their farewells.

" I will never forget what you did do us ". Kera break into tears and she hugged me again.

I'm expect in my mother to come to me, to send me home after the Phraoh can go back to his post.
I guess tomorrow.


I left that night with heavy heart, I cannot accept such pain, if there were no such thing I will be staying here with him... But I cannot let myself in pain or Cairo any longer.

I kissed my mother on the cheek as a goodbye, I though it would take tomorrow but I was wrong, I slept that night and I woke up the next day, waking up to the familiar room with Dahlia fixing the curtain letting out the sun light in.

I was back.

My head feels heavy but I can't remember what happen yesterday, It was like as if a memory of the past or a dream.

" My lady your awake ". She smile to me and bring in the trolley. " Please have your breakfast " she said to me placing the tray into a bed tray to help me eat.

I mouthed her thanks. " My lady you won't believe it. While you were in a coma again, the archeologist found a beautiful remain of a Goddess ". She said with a surprised smile. A small habit within maids inside the house, they circulate news inside faster than a lightning.

I raise my brow as I drink my milk as requested from my Grandmother to serve.

" The Goddess look like you ". I almost choke on my drink and smile at her unbelievably.

I gaze to her with such surprise and she nod to me. " I will let you see, the goddess carving on the Pharaoh's tomb and on some several walls". She squealed.

I nod to her and was curious about it so I asked for her to take the picture to me later after I finushed my bath.
I plan not to look more into it ans leave it be, leave my pained heart as it is.

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