Let's be real

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Oh to be a sour grape. XD Sour grapes are people who have negative attitudes because of what others have.   There are a handful of them in my life. Maybe more, I don't know because they're just that. Sour grapes because things didn't go the way they wanted or because I was no longer a mat to be walked all over.

At the end of the day I can look at myself and be fine with the person looking back at me. I am a human with insecurities, this is true. But I can guarantee the opinion of irrelevant people doesn't bother me. In fact I find it funny how hard they try. I know not why seeing me broken gives them satisfaction; as far as I know they are broken too. They're pretending everything is okay to try and make me care but tbh I really don't. I couldn't care less and I can't stress this enough.

So for those sour grapes check your facts. For starters being single doesn't make you lonely. You could be in a relationship and still feel lonely. Lonely is feeling a void inside yourself so deep that it feels like you are the only one in existence. I am nothing like this because my future looks bright and I have amazing friends. And although dating would be nice it simply is not a priority to me. Dating should be because you love a person and you want to be there for them as you both succeed. Not to be a a trophy or a status symbol

Secondly, yes I am a "teacher's pet." That term doesn't bother me. I've been that my whole life and probably will continue to be called that for the remainder of my life. People throw that term around as an insult but fail to realize how cool some teachers are.  Teacher recommendations come in handy too, no matter where you go in your life. It's also really sad if the only insult you can throw is "teacher's pet." So I'mma  just leave it at that...

Third of all word always gets around. Someone is always watching you or listening. Word spreads fast believe it or not. So be careful what you tell folks or what you post. Posting stuff allows public access which becomes common knowledge. Everything I write, post, share, etc. is souly to express myself. Based on my experiences. I rarely write on here but when I do it's to let off steam or to shut things down before they get too serious. I may write something about you but it doesn't mean you have any affect on me. It simply means either I recalled you due to someone else bringing you up or you were involved in whatever situation I write about.

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