The story of a girl named Black Friday

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Okay so at the end of 6th grade I met this girl who I'll call Tiarra. She was smart and black and one of the few other girls like me getting inducted into the National Jr. Beta club. Like me, she was reserved. Only she was more selective of who she talked to than me. By 7th grade we became closer. We weren't besties, but she was no stranger. Her locker was also to the left of mine so.

She was tall for our age and one of the coolest people I've ever known. You see she had a unique style of always wearing black or grey. It wasn't in an emo way either. Most of the time she wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, or a black skirt. Nonetheless, black was like her thing. Plus she was a fellow black female. 

I remember talking to her one day before class started. I didn't have any classes with her, but all our classes were opposite of each other and on the same hallway. I remember saying that I had to make her a nickname because I try to give all my favorite peers a nickname. Hence black friday was born, It had nothing to do with the holiday. It was more of an irony thing that only she and I got. 

I started calling her that every morning. After a while she got annoyed at the nickname every morning, but not really. Let me explain. She would say to stop calling her that, but she would have a warm friendly smile when she said it. So after that I made a deal with her to call her her name and only call her black friday if it was Friday and she happened to be wearing black.

I even teased her one time when she wore yellow one day and pink the next week. I acted shocked in a playful way and said look at you wearing color. Oh my gosh somebody take a picture this is history in the making people. Of course she would smile. Though it was rare to get a toothy grin from her, I got them all the time. Mainly because we shared a similar love for sarcasm and irony.

I kept my end of the deal and loved calling her that. Sadly she moved later that year, but she was one of the coolest people I've gotten to know. I hope she is all good now and if for some reason she is able to read this, I have one thing to say. Have fun black friday, may all be well.

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