A few fears

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Some people at school thought I wasn't afraid of anything. That is far from true. For example,ventriloquist dummies terrify me. Puppets are okay, but those things look way too realistic and ugg. Now I have goosebumps. I also am terrified of the idea of love. To love someone you have to trust them. Heck anyone having that much power over me terrifies me. That only gives them more room to betray me or leave. I am not clingy or anything, but I love with all my heart and don't want to be broken. I've been broken too many times in the past so I just  learned not to love folks too much.

I also don't want to die. I don't want to end my life and die before I can say I really accomplished something in life. I don't want to die being useless. I also hate failure because it hurts letting people down. I have too much of a heart, seeing people's hurt expressions breaks me. To be honest these aren't even all of my fears; these were just a few to prove a point. So if anyone ever tells you I am an emotionless robot or a fearless warrior, they are wrong. 

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