Story time:Wedding edition

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Yes I was in a wedding, in fact I've attended two of them. One was for one of my mom's coworkers and the other was for my aunt. I don't remember much from the coworker's wedding. I remember dancing all night and being separated from the adults when they started drinking even though I was like twelve.

I was the oldest kid there. Also we didn't go to the wedding, just the after party. The bride was super nice and had on a really pretty yellow strapless dress. Also on the way out I noticed the bar tender has orange juice so I asked for a cup on the way out. My brother didn't notice, so he was jealous that I had a cup. My mom asked where I got it from and when I told her, both her and the coworker bride gave each other a look.

My mom took the cup and said she had to take a sip of it first. When she realized it was just juice she gave it back to me. Back then I was confused, but now I get it. 😂

The other wedding was my aunt's. I remember that one more vividly because I was in it. The groom was super patient and nice, especially since I kept getting his name wrong in the beginning. XD He had to physically write it on my arm because I kept forgetting it. Time passed and he proposed to my aunt. My brother and I were the 1st to know because we saw the ring box on the Christmas tree before he said anything. We stayed quiet on the account that he gave us cookies. XD

Time passed and it was the wedding rehearsal. My brother and I got checked out of school because the reversal was far away and they didn't want to be late. This was also the first time that I got my hair pressed and wore makeup. I was really excited because I was getting a cool older cousin about my age. We don't talk as much but we're still connected to this day.

The wedding was fun too. I was the girl with the bell saying the bride is coming. My fourth grade self pretended I was introducing royalty. XD  The wedding was beautiful. I along with the bridesmaids had on this beautiful blue dress that went to the floor. The older cousin passed out, but she was okay. The after party was the best part.

I wore a dress the same color as in the wedding, but it stopped above my knees. I looked like a queen. There was also a candy bar and I kid you not, none of us kids would leave the table. My mom had to heard us away it was so bad. The food was good and from what I hear so was the cake. I never got a slice even though there were two cakes. We also had a blast on the dancefloor.

When it came time for my aunt to throw the flowers my dad was skeptical to let me go out there. He agreed cause my mom went too and she wanted me to enjoy myself. All the women tried to catch the flowers. I just stood there and they landed in my hands. The adults were laughing saying technically it was true that I'd be the next one to get married. Most of the women out there were already married or dating.

They ended the night pulling out in a limo. Everyone started packing up and all the kids rushed to take the leftover candy. Even the adults had some. In conclusion, the wedding is one that I'll never forget. I made new family bonds and strengthened older ones. I looked like a queen and felt pretty too. All of the kids(including me) were sugar high. My family busted out sweet moves on the dancefloor and after the party we all slept like bsbies.

My experiences with weddings are great. I can't wait for my own, though I feel bad for my future husband. I'll try not to embarrass him too much XD
As for my crazy yet wonderful friends  if we don't make a fool of ourselves at the weddings we can  always turn up at the bachelorette party.

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