How I broke my wrist

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Oh how I love the holiday season. Mist people love Christmas because of getting cool gifts. I love it because I get to give people gifts. I don't expect stuff back either, I enjoy their reactions and their smiles. Every now and then the only way the gift receivers can show their joy is through a hug. Those are the best gifts.

So long story short my freshmen year I was giving both my teachers and my friends gifts. I also had to return my JROTC uniform and find all my friends. I didn't have a phone, so I couldn't just text them to meet me. No I had to physically look for them in a huge high school campus still under construction. To make things worse I only had about 20 minutes to do so, or I'd be late to class.

I decided to drop my uniform off first, then deliver teacher presents and find my friends. I was running from building to building and had to run back to the band room to get the bag of presents for my friends. On the way I missed a stair and went tumbling down. While tumbling I managed to put my santa hat back on and grab the santa purse I was wearing. I landed on my feet and continued running.

It was kinda like a movie scene. I actually had fun. Then when I reached the band room to pick up the sack of presents I felt the pain. Only then did my wrist hurt. So then I had to run to find someone to help me deliver the presents. Thankfully I found 2 people. One I'll call Jay, I told to meet me there, but she took to long. The other girl I'll call Sam walked with me.

I gave Sam her gift first because she happened to be there. Eventually we delivered the gifts and went to our classes. The last delivery was JROTC and I had to go there anyways. I remember giving Major his gift and he loved it. (P.S. the gift is still in his office now)

I was a first year cadet and an advanced cadet that I'll call Venues was in his office at the time. I gave Major the gift and immediately asked if I could go to the nurse because I thought I sprained my wrist. Venues said,"well at least she was honest." Major wrote me a pass and off I went. The nurse said it looked pretty bad and said I should get it checked out because my arm was really swollen. She called my dad and sent me to class with a bag of ice.

I sat at my desk listening to Major tell his story of 9/11. I didn't get to hear the whole story because my dad was rushing in. He, like I was calm. I'm accident prone so the fact that I was hurt didn't really shock him. My classmates were amazed at how fast he had arrived because they saw me leaving for the nurse's office. I don't know why, the man works down the street from our school.

Anyways he checked me out and we went to the local doctor. There were bone charts and skeletons everywhere. The lobby looked like a normal office and the tv was playing the price is right.

The nurse told me to put my arm under the x-ray. Turns out my hand was so swollen they couldn't see anything. The doctor was really nice and apperently went to school with my dad. She had me explain what happened and gave me a sling to hold the upper part of my arm in place. She instructed me to move it around every now and then without the sling to make my arm better. She also said to come back in two weeks so they could see the real damage.

So there I was back at school on finals day. The wrist with the sling happened to be my dominant hand so your girl here was struggling. It got so bad that I had to tell my teachers my answers and they had to fill in my answers.

Two weeks passed and I got another x-ray. The doctor asked if my wrist still hurt. I told her not anymore unless I moved it a certain way. She asked me to demonstrate as best as I could and that my friends was the worst pain imaginable. So they put me back under the x-ray, but I had to turn my arm in the direction it was hurting as far as possible. It was so painful, but they discovered that I had broken 2 or 3 small bones in my wrist, so I had to get a cast.

Apperently when I fell all my weight went on those bones, which is why I didn't feel it at first. The bones are minuscule and only used when I write or do stuff related to that. You'd think the cast would stop at my wrist, but they gave me one that went all the way to my elbow. I couldn't let the cast get wet and had to wear it for two weeks.

I was good except when the band had to play at a college game for the preshow along with other high schools. That was an interesting experience. Two weeks passed and they cut my cast off with a saw of some sort. My arm was free and they told me to wear a wrap for two weeks so that my arm could fully heal.

The first week of the second semester I had to survive with a cast. After the first month I had my hand back and better than ever. That's how I broke my wrist. Every time this time of year comes back I remember that.

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