Let's get this straight

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*Language warning*

There are a few things that I absolutely hate. And I mean this with passion.

3.No balance/ unfair treatment
4. Fake people
5. Mind games

I have the right to write whatever the heck I want on here. I have the freedom of speech, so if you people have a problem with what I write you can always stop reading. My feelings won't be hurt, because guess what? I'm still me regardless, so opinions don't matter. Heck the entire point of this is a coping mechanism for me. So if that's an issue, then go away. There's other content to read.

The last two weeks have been complete hell! School has gotten more stressful because the work load is so much worse. I witnessed my dad and brother in a car wreck. I missed out on the fun on a community day, simply because I don't live in my school district and had to go home. I was only there in the first place because the band had to play.

Then there was the drama of this week, which I'm still not okay with. I'm getting better, but I'm broken. It is what it is. I'll get over it and things will be better. Or so I hope, I'm choosing to be optimistic. On a more positive note, I am getting better, very excruciatingly slowly. I truly am. I've been all over the place, but writing and drawing seem to help. I feel like I'm slowly going insane with all this drama. Mistakes don't make people, actions do. Some people can be okay, but for me it takes work.

Life is hard. That's just the way it is. Unfortunately Karma and Irony teamed up with God to make me suffer right now. It's okay though, because I'll be a stronger person in the end. I don't need toxic people in my life. I don't need other people to be happy. Yes having friends helps, but I am able to keep my own spirits up. I can survive mentally by myself. Talking helps, but after do much internalizing over the years I've learned to silently cope. I've learned that people aren't always nice and that I can be nice, but I need to look after myself.

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