Picture Day

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I couldn't help it, I had to after my yearbook rant. I've already mentioned how pointless yearbooks are, but here's the real issue. Picture Day. The time where girls wear fancy church dresses or simple blouses with heels, wedges, boots, or flats. Oh and guys wear the nice polos with khaki and those dress shoes they spent all night shining. No matter what you get stuck taking a picture in a crowded gym, for a photo that you'll be stuck with all year.  So where should I begin on this sacred day of show and tell?

For starters, it's  only good if you have at least one friend who has the same time slot as you. Not only do you have backup for last minute fixes, but it make waiting in long lines less boring. Picture day is supposed to be the day you're seen as yourself, but that's a lie. The only people who look like themselves are those who forgot it was picture day, so they're dressed casually with moderate to average hairstyles. Them and the kids who really don't care. You know the kids who have hoodies on, or a simple t-shirt. You're gonna take all this stuff off afterwards anyways. Why put all that effort into it?

Why does everyone dress up? I mean I do it too, but only because it's like a tradition. Since like first grade. Everyone has always dressed up for the single and class photos. Which by the way, after early middle the homeroom photos disappear.  Oh, and once the photo is taken, almost immediately everyone puts on their normal clothes.  Which brings me to the next point. 

I don't know maybe picture day is different for boys, but it's almost impossible to use the restrooms on picture day. You go in and handle you business only to have the sinks and mirrors crowded by girls who care way too much about their image. Like would it kill you to leave one sink open? All I want to do is wash my hands!

I already mentioned this, but picture day can either be a curse or a blessing. Not only are these photos in that yearbook forever, but then the schools use that same lunch photo for your school accounts. I'm talking lunch account, library account, etc. So every time you put in your student pin or your teacher puts in grades hey see your photo. Either you happen to take a really good photo and get disappointed when it gets replaced the next year. Or you have an off year and can't wait to get your photo replaced by a good picture.

That's the thing though, you don't get to see the photo until months later, and then that's when the problems begin. Friends brag to each other about how great they look, or hide the photos because they look so awful. Sometimes photos are bad, but am I the only one who finds it annoying when people think their photos look awful, but they look like freaking angels. Either they look super cute, or like total models. Then you're left feeling like "a rat," as @leftover-mcr-trash would say. Or when people make fun of how bad your photo is knowing that their's isn't much better? Anyways, that's my picture day rant. Bye kiddos :)

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