The nerve or people

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If the two I'm talking about read this, I hope you have a happy life. I hope you can deal with what you've done, because I'm done caring so much. I'm done being the good girl who gets taken advantage of all the time. I have 2 best friends, karma and irony. I hope for your sake they are forgiving. Because when/IF I forgive you, it's gonna take a lot for me to trust you again. Y'all messed up badly.

Honestly I'm on the edge. Turns out my boyfriend cheated on me with a girl I considered to be my school daughter. I had a gut feeling and I ignored it. I asked him about it and he lied to my face. She didn't even mention it to me either.

He says it was out of lust. That there were no feelings involved. I honestly don't know if I believe him. To make things worse the girl is a minor so now they both might be going to jail.
Some people of came and hugged me today. They honestly helped, hugs always make things feel better.

I cried at school, which NEVER happens. I seldomly cry, let alone in public. I held it in all day and I saw one of my best friends and I broke. I don't know what's going to happen to those two. I honestly hope they're proud of themselves, because guess what? THEY WERE BOTH IN SEPARATE, HAPPY  RELATIONSHIPS!!

I haven't heard from the girl all day or seen her. Honestly I don't know if I want to. I can't look at her the same. Neither one of them said anything! He told me today because he got busted. I couldn't even be mad at him! I was just hurt. He wanted me to break up with him, to hate him. I didn't believe it at first. I thought he just wanted me to hate him for some reason. I didn't have the heart to and he didn't either. We're not dating anymore, it ended.

I had 6 happy months with him and I didn't do anything. I loved him and was loyal. He was my best friend, so the betrayal is especially strong. I trusted him and I barely trust ANYBODY! Yet for some reason I trusted him. Whatever it's his loss.

To make matters worse both of them were pledging and going on and on about how cheating is the worst for as long as I can remember, yet they both cheated. They knew what they were doing even if they got "caught up." Neither one of them had the sense to say what they were doing, or at the time about to do, was wrong.

It hurts really badly but I'll get over it. Just writing this is hard to do without crying. I have to be strong, it's my job. I have to keep those around me happy. I don't know why I'm still talking to him. I guess a part of me wants to forgive him, but it's gonna take a lot more than some apologies. I can't trust him, or her.

I was the last person to see him before he got expelled. I haven't seen the girl at all. Apparently she was at school this morning though. I'm honestly glad that they both disappeared. Because I can't face either one of them in person. I just want to know why this keeps happening to me. It's the same story with different names. I trust them and see the good in them, only for them to betray me. To make a fool out of me. To lose my trust and leave me broken.

I was cursed with the gift of caring, even to those who don't deserve it. I don't wish bad things towards either one of them. I'm not mad, I'm just really hurt. It feels like I got stabbed in the back and ran over by a truck. That might be a little dramatic, but you get the idea. I'm not ok

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