Throwback to old devices

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So I had to explain to a girl I was babysitting what an MP3 Player was. She was imagining all kinds of things she though it was. Some examples were a camera, a wallet, a phone, etc. I tried so hard not to laugh at her. 

Little girl: What's this?

Me: Well you see way back in 2008 that's how people used to listen to music.

Little girl: Does it still work? Can I have it? 

Me: No it doesn't 'cause I lost the charger, but I still want to keep it.

While she was exploring she also found my DSI XL and I had to explain the wonders of Nintindo and spending hours playing Super Mario kart, Bejewled, and club penguin. Surprisingly, the DSI still works and had tons of photos of me when I was like nine years old.

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