Black Girl hair

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Don't get me wrong, I love my hair. It's long, curly, and has a mind of its own. Seriously, if I comb it out it defies gravity. Like it goes up and out. Don't even get me started on braiding it. In a salon they have to rotate between hand drying and putting it under the dryer. My hair is so big it won't all fit under a dryer! To wash, dry, and style my hair in a salon takes like two and a half hours. To do the exact same thing at home takes like four. 

The reason why it takes so long is because curly hair tends to be super thick, well mine is anyways. I've literally had combs get stuck in my hair or break because my hair was too thick.  And the salon is straight up high way robbery, especially because of how often you have to get your hair done. It's cheaper to do it yourself at home, but it's less comfy and takes way longer. Basically, it takes a lot to upkeep black hair, so next time a black girl almost slaps you for touching their hair you'll understand why. 

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