32. "Oʜ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Jᴇsᴜs!" ▪️

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Its was one of those mornings when I would wake up grinning ear to ear like a cheshire cat.  I was enthused. But then I placed my hand to the left side of the bed, it was empty.

My grin turned into a frown immediately then a nasty scrowl to the lips. All I was was his ugly, cursive handwriting that was barely legible. No wonder he love that computer of his.

Hey babe.
Hope you slept well. I had to leave early because I had some errands to run and some stuff from home was needed. Last night was fun and I'll talk to you soon. X

I shrugged and got up and  straightened the wrinkled sheets, knowing I have a the entire day ahead of me. The house was clean, like the usual, I cleaned up the spot Shawn and I was last night.  Took an early morning blunt then all they hygenic stuff afterwards. I wasn't feeling for breakfast today, I grabbed my Kindle and continued reading a book that was talking about Toxic Masculinity. Dang, I guess I was guilty for some of these.

Less than a second, my door bell rung, and I peeped through the eye hole, both my parents were standing there. My father looks pleased like normal and my mom, her usual sweet face that made her approachable was in a scrowl.

I panicked but ran up the stairs for an air fresher and sprayed like a madman. The place don't smell but the receptors in my moms nose was good and I don't want her to come to the conclusion that there was some intimacy going on previously.

I took one last deep breath, I turned tge lock open and stood in the door way. I was going to let them in but not without knowing the reasons why they decided to come......at least so early in the morning.

“Hey son. Your mother and I wanted to see you. You left miserable the other day and we wanted to...talk.”
Slowly allowed them in, I lead them to the living room and sat down.

The air was tense and most of all, awkward. I looked at them expectantly but both of them shared glances with each other, wondering who was to tell the lie first.

Oops. I mean the truth.

“So. Your father and I have ended whatever we had in the past because he was cheating on me.” She cleared her throat when Dad gave her the look of disapproval.

Then she rephrased

“I thought he was cheating on me. You know how I am already, always jumping to conclusions but can you blame me? It was such a compromising position even god would agree with me.”

Always putting God in everything.

But she's a Christian that's what they do.

“Seriously. I thought we came here to tell him wassup. Now you're bitching. I already told you that I wasn't like that with the young girl. She was freaking sixteen for Christ sake. You just couldn't handle the fact about my sexuality. You banned me from seeing my kid, made up some lies, I still question your reason in church.”
Now it was my dad's time to speak.

“Don't you dare put my black Jesus into this. If it wasn't for his pity on you, you wouldn't have seen my baby boy again. And I would happily lie every second again just to keep you away from him.”

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