17. ᴛʜɪᴄᴋ! ▪️

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I left him just for a few second to collect some shaving stuff and hair spray. Baby, please, you thought I just woke up like this? When I walked towards T, he was talking to this lady but just the expression on his face, you could tell that he wasn't having any of it.

"Like why the hell are you here? You have literally fucked my life up in the past, you should be cruising right now for all I care. Taking some girl time and sharing with your girlfriends how you manipulated me."

Who the hell is this mystery woman?

"What seem to be the problem here?" I stopped in front of the them. Both of them turned towards me. And guess who it was?

The infamous Daneisha.

Our ex.

This is hella awkward.

"You know what! I no longer need your help. Go stock a shelf. Like, you are on time-out little girl, go on."


I really wanted you laugh at this, like did he really treated her like a kid? It was like he was sending little girl to her room after she has been rude.

"You should've thought about me been a little girl at that. Dumb ass. A kid fooled you. Jokes on you. And you should have thought about that when you had your dick-"

"Fool me once baby girl. I don't know the fuck you're talking about. I can literally count the amount of time I laid with- . You know what, I've never stooped to your level, and I will never, you know why? Do you want to know why? Well let me tell you why. Cause I ain't some low life. I'll holler at you later. Don't wanna stop you from your hard earned job, come on Shawn before I literally curse her out."

From the look on her face, she was taken off guard. She gasped loudly from his outburst but T, just pushed past her with the trolley bumping her hips.

"So both of you fucking each other now. I'm not surprised. You gay ass faggot. One of the reasons I never married you, maybe at some point I knew I'd come home with you and another nigga in ma bed."

Oh hell naww.

T. literally turned towards her glaring.

"Well a body like yours could turn any straight man gay. . And I'm not gay. Use the supermarket's wifi and google it, there's a big difference, you kindergarten drop out."

She gawked like the second time. Damn. From the first time I interviewed I knew he was feisty but dannnng. From the colour of her face, she looked angry, she followed him, fuming, like smoke was coming out of her ears as she held the collar of his shirt, which caused him to abruptly stop.

I wanted to help him, but Terrai, he's aight. He can fight his battles. As a matter of fact he's obviously winning.

"The hell are you holding onto me for, who said you could touch me? You just love to make a scene do you? Get your ugly scrawny, nails off me! Daneisha." She flinched and let go. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish, wanted to say something but nothing came out. From the way he said it, it sounded threatening.

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