Chapter 85: Our Courage Saved Us

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By the time I woke up, Namjoon was already a year older.

According to the doctor, I was one of the lucky ones. The blade didn't pierce anything that could permanently damage my leg, but I will still have to be very careful. I was fortunate to have landing on my back when I fell, any more movement of the blade stuck in my thigh and it could have been much worse. I'm not allowed to walk on it at all, which means no dancing either. I'll be working with crutches for the next several weeks due to the incident. 

The man in question was brought to the police and interrogated. He wouldn't give much information, but he did mention the other man from the first incident. The police concluded that they must have been working under the same person. The boys had a discussion with Bang PD, and it was decided that due to both incidents, the members of BTS will be moving to a new home in a more secluded area of Seoul.

My body and mind weren't able to handle the situation fully, which is why I was asleep for a little while. Apparently it's a common symptom when my body and mind are trying to protect themselves, so you could say I was in a sort of coma for a little while. I woke up a couple days after Namjoon's birthday to find all of the boys around my bedside sleeping soundly.

My stirring had woken up the youngest, who had my left hand tightly in his own and his head on the edge of the bed. The image of his face that day, the tears streaming down his face as a smile slowly began to form once he saw I was okay.

That's a memory that I'll never forget.

"How are you feeling, princess?"

Jin smiles down at me, my right hand in his as he sits beside my bed. The others had gone out to get some food to celebrate, since I'm going to be discharged from the hospital today. Jin decided to stay behind, he wanted to make sure I had someone familiar with me while I went through my final tests. 

"I'm doing better. I just can't wait to go home," I think to myself, giving Jin as much of a smile as I can muster. Truth is, I'm still in a lot of pain. I'm doing my best not to wince in front of the boys, but this is almost just as bad as my worst period cramps. Apparently I'll be sent home with medication to make it bearable, but I'll need one of the boys with me at all times in case of an emergency.

"I'm glad to hear it," The eldest replies, squeezing my hand gently. "Jungkook told us what all went down before we got there. You were so brave, I don't know what I would have done if I was in your shoes. You should have called for us, you should have ran away since it was obvious that you were his target. But you didn't. You saved yourself and Jungkook from the man, who may have gone after our maknae as well if it wasn't for your quick thinking and courage that night."

Jin carefully wraps his arms around me then, burying his face into my shoulder. "Just please... no more of this," his voice goes soft, barely above a whisper now. "My heart can't take much more of this. This is the third time you've been put in mortal danger and.. just promise me that this is the last time. Please.."

My heart breaks as he chokes on his words, my shoulders relaxing a bit in the process. "Jin... you know I so badly want to promise you that. But I can't. Not until we catch the person responsible for this. All I can do is say that I'll try, because I will. I won't give you boys any more reason to worry."

The man's arms tremble around me, and I can hear quiet sniffling from him. "That's all I can ever ask of you.." he simply responds before going silent, neither of us having anything more to say in that moment.

Eventually the doctor returns, saying that I'm now free to head home. Jin helps me get my injured leg off of the bed, all while having a concerned expression on his face. With his support I'm able to stand and head to the bathroom to change, hospital gowns are SO not attractive on me. I mean I know that's not their purpose, but still.

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