Chapter 2: Touching All The Things

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By the time we had reached the dormitory the moon had already risen in the sky. I never did put my earbuds back in, as much as I wanted to. I find it soothing to listen to music when I'm in an uncomfortable situation.

The guys didn't talk to me much during the ride, though Namjoon did his best to include me in a heated discussion about Panda Express.

"I'm not really a big fan of Panda Express. It's okay, but it's not my favorite. I really only like their fortune cookies." I said at the time, which caused Taehyung to gasp in horror.

"Well don't expect me to share my panda with you then!" he says with a pout. I can't help but laugh and retort with, "I wouldn't ask you too!"

The guys all laughed at this as Tae's cheeks puffed up in mock offense. Namjoon tried to speak more English in conversations in case I wanted to chime in, and I did occasionally but I mainly kept to myself for the rest of the drive.

The car comes to a stop in a small parking garage and the members begin to file out. Jimin is kind enough to take my hand as I step out. I can feel my cheeks heat up a little at his gentlemen-like gesture.

I think he noticed this too, because he winks and pokes my cheek before closing the car door behind me.

The. Fuck.

Stop that action immediately, sir.

A few moments later the other black van pulls into the garage and parks right beside ours. The guard from before climbs out and pops the trunk of both vehicles, since we had also put my carry on in the trunk of the van we rode in.

I notice Taehyung standing too close to the trunk door and gently pull him back by his hoodie just in time, a second later and the door would have been met with his face.

"Yah, why did you pull me?" he says in confusion.

I merely roll my eyes. "While it would have been funny to see the trunk door hit your face, I figured you wouldn't want the pain that comes with it," I say in a sarcastic tone.

Shit, I didn't mean to sound rude! I quickly cover my mouth as the guys just stare at me in amazement. Suddenly, Hoseok bursts into laughter, and soon the rest of the guys follow.

"At least we know she has a sense of humor," Jin says with a grin before reaching into the trunk to grab my carry on. Namjoon walks around to the other car with Jungkook to grab my two suitcases and my face continues to get more flushed by the second.

From embarrassment of course. Nothing else, you dirty minded fucks.

I'm surprised at how chill they are to the situation, but I suppose that's the only reaction you can have at the moment. I don't really expect any informal treatment right away, it will be awhile for them to get used to me being here.

I reach over to take my carry on from Jin, who gives me a smile before closing the trunk of the van. I bow to him as a thank you before extending my other hand to take my other suitcases. I was planning on just stacking my smaller carry-on bag on one of them but both guys shake their heads.

"We got these, just worry about your carry on," Jungkook says, closing the trunk before walking ahead with Namjoon and the rest of the guys. I start walking a little faster to catch up and keep pace. Curse my short legs.

Well, I would say that but I'm sure most people would say I'm not short. I'm the tallest woman in my family and the second tallest person next to my grandfather on my mother's side.My entire being tops off at a whopping five-foot-seven, lucky me.

I'm stuck between the happy medium of being tall enough that other people have to ask me to reach things, but also being short enough that I need to climb onto the counters to reach other things.

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