Chapter 22: Don't Worry

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I really didn't want to tell him. I so badly wanted to say that I didn't know what he was talking about, that I was perfectly fine. I don't want him or any of the other members to start worrying about me now, it's only been a week and we have already been stressed enough.

But I can't lie to him.

We are sitting in the vet's office now, waiting to hear back from the doctor. The poor puppy did NOT like this place one bit, but now he is sleeping soundly in my arms. After Jin asked me that question, I told him not to worry about it. The last thing I want is for the guys to start doting on me or something. Jin looked at me in shock, probably not expecting my answer, but still nodded in understanding.

Now we sit in silence as we wait, thankful that we had never taken our face masks off. If we had, Jin surely would have been recognized.

Jin never let go of my hand the entire time. Maybe he could feel my nervousness, because I could feel him squeeze my hand every once in a while. I don't doubt it actually, my hand has been shaking in his own for a while now.

I only hope that the puppy doesn't have anything seriously wrong with it. I wish I could take him home with me, because I personally don't want to see the poor thing in a dingy shelter. But the guys already have all of their dogs, they probably wouldn't want another one.

The puppy in my arms growled at the passerby, and even at the doctor as he walked up to us. "Well, he seems to be in good health, just underweight." He says, looking at a clipboard in his hands. "Thankfully you two found him when you did, it could have been a lot worse."

I let out a sigh of relief as Jin thanks the man and takes the documents with the immunization records on it. I look over at the baby in my arms, his ears perked up at me. He whines softly, burying his face into my chest.

"You know," the doctor says, watching the dog with a smile. "He seems to have taken a liking to you, ma'am. Will you be keeping him?" I feel my smile fall as Jin turns to me with a raised brow. I let out a soft sigh, doing my best to calm my nerves before speaking.

"I want to... but I can't. I don't think my roommates would want another pet in the household." I say quietly. The puppy looks up at me with a sad expression, and I struggle to keep from tearing up at his cute little face.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see Jin smiling down at me. "Well, I don't see why not," He says, looking up at the doctor. "I'm sure the others would be happy to have another member of the family!"

I look at him in shock, utterly baffled. A million thoughts are running through my head at the moment. Will this puppy get along with the other dogs? Why would Jin offer something like this? Is he sure the others would be okay with this?

Before I knew it, I was signing adoption papers at the vet's office and walking out with a german shepard puppy in my arms, this time to take him home. Jin holds the door open for me to climb into the passenger side.

"Jin, are you sure about this? I don't want to be a burden-" I start, but he cuts me off as he gets into the driver's seat.

"Taylor, you aren't ever going to be a burden," He says softly, leaning back in his seat. "The others will be surprised, sure. But they won't mind. Plus, I can tell how happy this dog makes you, and if it makes you happy then of course he's staying with us. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, just think of a name you'd like him to have on the way home."

Jin pats my head with a smile, the puppy falling asleep in my lap. I reach over and hug him tightly, burying my face in his shoulder. "Thank you..." I say softly. I hear him squeak in surprise, before wrapping his arms around me as well. "Thank you, thank you thank you..!"

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