Chapter 4: Bangtan's Rose

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I gently knock on Jimin's door, waiting patiently for him to answer. I decided to change into a pair of black sweatpants and a dark pink sweater that says, "Dear Monday, Nobody Likes You," in bold black print.

I noticed they often walk around with their shoes off, so I opted to wear some thick socks with pink cats on them. Normally I'm not a fan of pink but I don't really care at the moment.

The door opens to show a smiling Taehyung on the other side. "Yah, Taylor, you made it!" he says with a smile and extends his arms to hug me.

However he pulls back as if he realized something important. "I should probably ask first. May I hug you?" he asks, which surprises the hell out of me. Don't they do this with each other all the time?

"Of course Taehyung, you're always welcome to," I respond with a soft smile. "I happen to enjoy hugs." I add to ease his mind.

"Oh yay!" he squeals with a smile before wrapping me in a bear hug. "I thought that since you looked so uncomfortable when Hobi-hyung hugged you earlier you didn't like it!"

I can't exactly respond as I feel him squeezing the life out of me. "I..was just... surprised!" I manage to squeak out, as my arms are trapped at my sides.

"Yah, Tae let her go, you're going to break her in half!" a voice from inside calls, and I looked over to see Jimin standing with his arms crossed with a worried look. "Let her breathe."

Taehyung gently puts me down and pats my head. "Sorry about that.." he says softly, before taking my hand and leading me inside. "Come on! We've got the game set up and a bunch of snacks too!"

Jungkook smiles at me from his position on the bed, holding a controller in his hands. Jimin takes a seat to his right and they both move over to leave room for us. A small board has a bowl with various chips and candies and snacks inside.

I end up standing there awkwardly for a moment while Taehyung grabs the other controllers. Jimin looks over at me and pats the seat next to him. "Come sit by me, Taylor!" he says in his cute attempt at an English accent.

I hesitantly take a seat beside him, crossing my legs and leaning my back against the headboard. "Thank you guys for inviting me.." I say politely as Taehyung takes the remaining spot to my right.

"No problem! Though I'll have to warn you that I'm the absolute best at this game. I won't go easy on you just because you're new." Jungkook teases while popping a cheeto in his mouth.

"Come on Jungkook, at least let her learn the controls before you start getting all cocky like that," Jimin complains. "She might not have ever played this game."

"Oh don't worry, Jimin," I start with a grin on my face. "I don't need him to go easy on me, I'm sure I can wipe the floor with you all regardless."

What the boys don't know is that I am very competitive, and I've been playing this game for a few years now. I've always loved playing video games ever since I was young, so I have much confidence in my skills.

"Woooooaaaah," they all say in unison, all of us grinning like idiots now.

"You're gonna regret that," Jungkook says, though you can see the gleam in his eyes. Maybe he's hoping to take me down a peg or two, but no sir, tis I who will bring you from your pedestal.

Taehyung hands me a pink controller, which happens to match my sweater. "I hope you like pink!" he says with a grin, and I merely roll my eyes. Jimin takes his blue one, Jungkook is already holding a white one and Taehyung has a black one.

"Pink is alright," I say in response as Jungkook pulls up the character selection. "I just hope you all are ready to get beat by a girl."

"Not gonna happen!" Jungkook says in protest, the cocky smirk never leaving his face.

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