Question and Answer!

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Thank you all so much for supporting me and this story! If you have been watching my conversations page you would have seen an announcement made about this, here are some questions that you guys have sent to us about ourselves or the characters. Some of you wished to remain anonymous and have contacted me on other platforms, but those that didn't I have mentioned you here!

From Firebolt_Dancer:

1. Just curious, what is your favorite book genre?

Currently my favorite book genre is fantasy fiction, I'm in love with anything related to magic and such. 

2. What is your favorite food?

My favorite food has to be honey orange chicken from Thai Kitchen, just like our main character!

3. What are your hobbies?

Writing of course, designing fashion or playing video games. I'm also a part of a Korean cover group called Moonlight, we haven't debuted yet though.

4. What is your favorite color?

Midnight purple! Though I do love crimson and silver too.

5. Do you sleep with plushies?

Hell yeah! I've got a happy plushie (fairy tail) a wolf plush and an aaron plush (aphmau). Oh and I have a manatee from marine world!

From @AgnArmy:

What do you do to pass time during quarantine? And I know this is a lame question..

It's not a lame question at all! I write this story to pass time (since it takes almost all of my free time xD) but when I get the chance I might play a video game or watch YouTube. I do video editing, write songs or cover other ones, I've got a selection to choose from! 

From RiyaKyot15:

1. How old are you?

I just turned 19 this May ^w^

2. What Zodiac sign are you?

Taurus, of course!

3. When are you born?

The magical year of 2001!

4. Do you love other Kpop bands other than BTS?

Yeppers! BTS was the first Kpop band I started to get into, and my first girl group was BlackPink. I stan a multitude of groups including EXO, GOT7, TWICE, Red Velvet, BIGBANG, 2NE1, SHINee, TXT, EVERGLOW, iKon, KARD, Seventeen, Girls Generation and Super Junior.

From Anonymous User:

Two Character Questions!

To Taylor, are you planning on having any kids with the boys in the future?

Taylor: *nearly chokes on bottled water* n-not anytime soon! I'm only nineteen, and I'd rather get married before thinking about having kids.

.... WAIT SHIT I don't mean that I've thought about marriage or anything! The boys are sweet but we haven't even been together too long so I'm not really sure...


To the boys, what's one thing you all love about Taylor?

Namjoon: Her kindness knows no bounds, I swear this woman has a heart of gold

Jin: She's very responsible, even though she's the youngest of the group she can sometimes act like a mother figure, not just around us but with the TXT boys as well. I think I've actually heard them call her Eomma.

Yoongi: She's basically a walking pillow. Now if you excuse me, I'd like to return to my nap.

Hoseok: Her baking!! Oh my lord, I could eat her cakes all day every day... man now I'm hungry!

Jimin: Although she doesn't show it too much, she can be a very sensitive person. Even without the whole soulmate thing she's very in tune with our emotions, so she's a great person to talk to.

Taehyung: Her sense of humor! You could make a dark or messed up joke and she'll die of laughter before coming up with one of her own. 

Jungkook: Her smile, hands down. Seeing it just fills me up with joy, especially if I'm the one who caused it. Her laugh is so genuine, it's not sprinkled with fairy dust or coated in sugar necessarily, which makes it so much better. It feels REAL.

From Anonymous User:

Character question! 

Gisselle, why don't you appear in the story a whole lot? I want to see more of you!

First of all, I'm flattered that you want more of me, but people say I'm hard to take in large doses. Second, originally I wasn't supposed to be a huge part of the story. Since I'm based off of editor-chan, author-chan wanted to give me a bigger role to play. That said, I'm not really a main character in this story. The main characters are Taylor and the boys, Choi and I are merely some of the more important side characters.

Plus at the moment I'm spending some quality time with my new soulmates, so of course unless Taylor really needs me or I need to work I'll be with them. I would expect the same from Taylor of course, and if she has to choose between me or her soulmates I do hope she chooses them. After everything that girl has been through, she deserves to be happy, and those boys make her happier than I've ever seen her in my lifetime. 

From Anonymous User:

To author-chan, what do you do for work?

I'm currently out of a job, and will be attending college this fall. I'm struggling to find work right now, so I can only hope I can make as much as I can to pay my phone bill. I've only got enough for a few more months, then I'll be flat broke.

From Anonymous User:

Do you accept fan art for this story?

Of course! If anyone wants to draw the characters for this story to be features I will gladly put it in. As I've stated in the question above however, I'm currently running on low funds. Once I get a job I may reach out and pay some artists to make some, but you're always welcome to submit any drawings you make! They don't have to be the most detailed thing, even a stick figure with speech bubbles from one of the scenes will count as fan art xD


And that's the final question! Thank you to everyone who submitted these questions, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the story. Stay Cake!


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