Chapter 46: Huening Kai

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Since I've been revealed to the fans, I have to take extra precautions that I didn't have to before. I can't allow my face to be seen in public, but thankfully I don't need to hide my hair since it's still a natural color.

I look through the various clothes that Taehyung had bought me when we went to the mall a while ago, and while before I was struggling with what little I had, now I have too much!

"Gah, how will I even decide what to wear..." I groan, sitting on the edge of my bed while looking at the array of clothes in my closet. "How hard is it to find something for grocery shopping?"

"Apparently very difficult," I hear a voice from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise.

"Goddammit, Jimin. Don't sneak up on me like that!" I rest a hand against my chest as I try to calm my racing heart.

The mochi laughs before resting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I thought you heard me come in." I shake my head as he moves to my closet. He's wearing a black t-shirt and matching jeans, followed by black converse.

"Well, I'm sure you'd look great in anything," Jimin says, before pulling out a simple brown top with a deep v neck. It's pretty loose, and the sleeves are cuffed and end a little bit above my wrist. He tosses it to me before moving to the pants.

"Ah, are you sure?" I ask, wincing a little at the top. It's not really my style, and I have a feeling it's going to make me look like I'm older than I am.

Jimin looks back at my grimace, and gives me a soft smile. "It's just grocery shopping, so you don't want to stand out too much. That said, I think you'll look good in that."

I give Jimin a questioning look, before he tosses a pair of ripped jeans my way. "Go change, I'll wait for you," He says with a smile. I roll my eyes before stepping into the bathroom, shedding his shirt and folding it neatly on the counter. I don't waste any time changing, but I already don't feel comfortable in this outfit. I look like somebody's mom that's trying hard to be hip, but maybe that's just my opinion.

I quickly do my hair and make up as well, just letting my natural spiral curls out for the day

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I quickly do my hair and make up as well, just letting my natural spiral curls out for the day. Jimin whistles as I step out, before being met with his shirt in his face. "I look so old in this," I complain as I walk over. The mochi sets his shirt to the side and grabs me by the waist, looking up at me since he's sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Well, we don't want you looking too good. I'll have to restrain myself from punching other men that might be ogling you," Jimin comments with a wink.

I let out a soft sigh, running a hand through his hair. "If you say so," I reply, and squeak as he buries his face into my stomach. I can't say I don't like it, it just feels weird. But the good kind of weird!

"You don't want to stand out too much, especially since you're an idol now." Jimin says, looking up at me. Right, the freedom to walk around like a normal human being is now gone. "I called one of the staff to drive us too, in case fans recognize us there." That makes sense. We'll need to be able to get away quickly if we get noticed, I know they do have some crazy fans here.

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