Chapter 15

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Hope was in her room getting ready with Lizzie, Josie, and Maya's help. Tonight Rafael is going out with her and some of her family to celebrate Hope's birthday. She hated celebrating her birthday, she actually hated celebrating everything without her parents and uncle Elijah. This is the third year without her mother and she stopped counting the birthdays she missed with her dad and uncle, because of the Hallow. When she was about done someone knocks on her door. Josie went to answer it.

Josie: Hey Raf she's almost ready.

Rafael: Ok how many of you are in there?

Josie: Oh um it's me, Lizzie, and Maya helping Hope get ready.

Rafael: Why so many?

Lizzie: Cause believe it or not we've been at this for 3 hours and most of it was just on her hair, cause unlike you boys we take time into getting ready it's an art.

Josie: Like she said you don't see Hope spending 10 minutes on one of her paintings one takes her almost 2 whole days.

Hope: Not true I got one done in 6 hours one time.

Maya: that's the one that hangs in the gallery in New Orleans right.

Hope: No that one took me a whole week the one I'm talking about no one has seen.

Lizzie: Wait can we just go back to the subject of you having a painting in a gallery?

Hope: When I get back Raf and I have to get going if we don't want to show up too late. You ready Raf?

Rafael: Yes and may I add you look stunning...

Lizzie: See what three and a half hours of work can do?

Without another word Hope and Rafael went out to the car that was waiting for them to take them to the restaurant Hope's aunts and little cousin were waiting for them. On the way there it was mostly just the two making out not much talking went on. When they were three minutes away they stopped and fixed their hair and stuff to make it look like they were not just making out in the back of the limo. When they got there Freya, Keelin, and baby Nick where waiting for them.

Freya: You two clean up nice.

Keelin: I second that.

Hope: Well you three also clean up nice just wonder how long that will last with little Nicky here.

Hope takes Nick from Freya and he automatically hugs her and lays on her shoulder.

Rafael: Who knew the Hope Mikaelson the most powerful being to ever exist was good with kids.

Hope: You tell anybody I will murder you. Like you said I'm a Mikaelson we tend to make a mess of things.

Rafael: You now I would never do that I love you too much.

Everybody just stopped what they were doing to look at Raf and then back at Hope to see what she would do. 

Rafael: What just happened...

Freya: Oh nothing except you dropping the L word.

Keelin: Well I think we can talk more about this after we sit please. I'm pretty sure Hope Can hold Nick all night, but I'm also pretty sure we all are hungry.

Hope: Yes I'm starving I haven't eaten all day the girls had me trapped in my room all day I missed lunch.

While Keelin and Hope went to the table with Nick in Hope's arms still, Rafael and Freya stayed back for a second.

Rafael: Did I say something wrong its like she shut done until Keelin changed the subject.

Freya: It's just the last time someone told her he loved her he betrayed her and kinda had a hand in the death of her mother which lead her to taking the Hallow back to which lead to her almost dying and her dad taking the Hallow to save her, but in doing that him and her uncle died now its just me, Keelin, little Nick, Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, and Davina.

Rafael: So what you are saying don't be surprised if it takes her longer to say if back?

Freya: More along the lines of if she pulls away let her don't force her she will come back, but for now lets go celebrate her turning 18 next week. oh and also you know there is a party right nobody cares that she said no.

Rafael: Oh I know Lizzie told me and made me swear not to tell hope or she would for sure kill me. 

Freya: Yep she is for sure Hope's friend.

They started to laugh as they walked to the table where Hope, Keelin, and baby Nick was waiting for them. Dinner went great lots of laughs and telling stories of Hope when she was younger. Hope couldn't of have a better night with her boyfriend and two of her favorite aunts and her little cousin she missed so much. As they where wrapping up dinner and laughing Hope's phone goes off.

Hope: I'll be right back

H- Hope A- Alaric 

H- Hey Ric can this wait we are about to head back to the school?

A- I wish but I need you at the grill there is someone here that says he knows you.

H- What is he?

A- A new vamp from your hometown.

H- I'll be there as soon as I can I'm bring people with me thou.

A- Alright see you when you get here than.

H- Ok Seen you in about ten mins.

Hope went back to her boyfriend and family and told them what was going on. They all hopped in the same car and headed to the Mystic Grill. When they arrived they saw the school van outside. Hope was the first one in the door and saw it was not a new vamp but a supposed to be dead vamp of two years going on three.

Hope: Josh your supposed to be dead Marcel saw you die.

Dr. S: Hope who is he?

Hope: My best friend who died two years ago the day I triggered my wolf.

Josh: So you are two out of three now.

Hope: How are you here you died, first my mom, then you, then my dad and Elijah.

Josh: I... Don't know I...

The rest of the group walked in and Freya and Keelin just froze in their spots.

Freya: Your dead how are you here?

Josh: Ok first I don't know and second nice to see you to and why are you all dressed up for?

Rafael: Oh we were celebrating Hopes birthday early.

Josh: Wow already it seems like yesterday you were 15.

Hope: Now I'm gonna be 18 in a week.

Josh: Wow...

Dr.S: Ok so we know who you are why are you here.

Josh: That's why I'm here to figure out how I'm back like they said a lot I'm supposed to be dead.

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