Chapter Thirty-Four: I Promised U

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SUGA ~ First Love💚 (song below)
I would suggest listening to the song above when I put**🥰💖

In total it has been three months since I've last seen Lena. And it was much needed. No matter how much I wanted to see her before I got better, I knew I wasn't ready. I'm quite shocked with myself for having the will to do so.

I've now decided that I was ready to see Lena. The only problem is that during the time that I was away she started talking to someone. And the last letter I had gotten from her explained that she has a fond liking towards him. I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't hurt by it because I was.
It hurt me, but you can't change your feelings towards someone you like. If you expected me to have a mental breakdown about it then you'd be wrong.

Very wrong, actually.

I was sad, yes, but I was also happy. I was happy because at least she found someone she likes and that treats her better than I did. She's worth more and deserves more. He gives her something that I could never give her.

He gives her warmth. Whereas I on the other hand have always been able to give her coldness.

In order for her to be happy and have a bright future, I had to let her go. And as much as it kills me on the inside, I know it's worth the pain. It's worth the pain because, in the end, her smile is the only thing that makes me feel warm.
Sometimes if you love someone you have to let them go and that's exactly what I did.

I let her break free from the chains that I didn't mean to put on her and let her run into the arms of a guy that I could never be.

I walked up the porch steps until I was standing in front of the screen door.

This was it.

It was now or never and I would rather go with now...
I rang the doorbell before waiting (Anxiously) patiently for someone to answer the door.

I then heard the door beginning to unlock by someone inside. The door would soon open to reveal that it was Memo.

"Paco, you're here!" He looked so excited
and happy that it was kind of scary to me, but then again this is Memo we're talking about...

I chuckled at the thought and gave Memo our usual hug, which consisted of us having a combination of a handshake following a one-armed hug.

As I entered the house Memo was talking about how the car club finally set a date for cruising night. It turns out they were waiting for my arrival. It made me smile.
Although at the moment I have my full attention fixated on the kitchen because Pa is making my favorite. And the aroma of the food was making me remember how much I missed Pa's cooking.

Oh, how I really did miss it. Especially since he's making enchiladas con Arroz y peas. Just then we all heard the door open to reveal Lena and her boyfriend, Esteban.

Judging by her letters, I liked him. She described him as kind and she was right. He really was. It made me happy, but at the same time, it broke my heart.

As soon as she looked up to greet everyone she and I held eye contact for a brief moment before her eyes widened.

And that is the look of realization...I'm here.

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