Chapter Twenty-Eight: Puzzle Solved

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BTS~Outro: Tear (Song above)

Day 5: Trip Ends

And at that very moment, I felt empty yet full. My emotions were scattered and I felt like every emotion started sinking back into me all at the same time.

It felt like multiple hits being aimed at my chest.

I dropped to the floor on my knees and cried. I cried because I was happy to understand that I wasn't always a monster.

I cried because I was free. I knew I had a long way to go to completely break free from my chains, but for the first time in a very long time, I felt like I still had a chance.

But let's not get too excited quite yet...I still felt empty. Maybe it was because I wasn't used to feeling or maybe it was because now I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I still have episodes, so how the hell am I supposed to let Lena be by my side at school when I can hardly tame my sickening thoughts and urges?

All this time I had thought that my beast was somewhat helping me even though I hated it.

But what really gets to me is that Z said, "Fine, have it your way, but be warned I never made you do anything you didn't want to."

"I just helped out a little.."

What could Z have possibly meant by that...?

I probably shouldn't stress over it, at least not today...

"Paco...?" She said unsure of mental state.

I slowly looked up at her and I gave her a small smile that would for once match my eyes and said, "Let's go home."

The drive on our way home was mostly silent unless we needed to ask each other about something.
I had been waiting for Lena to say something or anything, really, but she never did.

It wasn't awkward, but I couldn't help but think that maybe she'll stay away from me once school starts.

But besides that, the same normal trip routine back home was pretty obvious.

When we got home before I opened the door to go inside she gave me a tight hug.
You could tell what she was trying to say, but she expressed herself with a tight hug instead. So in order to say that I understood her, I hugged her back just as tightly. As we both pulled away we started laughing and smiling like a couple of teenage idiots.

And let me tell you, as soon as we got inside her parents and my pa rushed to the front door to greet us with hugs.

It was an odd strange sensation that I somewhat enjoyed.

"Míjo, we're all so glad to have both of you back. We should make a cake tomorrow since you both got here a little late."

My pa said cheerfully

"Now do you remember us, Paco?"

Lena's parents asked as all of their eyes were on me and the room went silent until I couldn't help but laugh and say, "Of course I remember you both."

We would all continue laughing and talking for almost an hour until we decided to call it a night and go to our rooms. Although we all knew Lena would be eager to turn into Margo from the book "paper towns" by john green.

"Paco...?" She said in a sing-song voice waiting for my response.

I answered with a simple "Hmm?"

"Wanna go to a partyyy??" She exaggerated the "y" while giggling and tugging on my sweater's sleeve.

I hesitated on answering her question. At night I was more vulnerable and I could experience an episode.

"My episodes are harder to control at night Lena..."

I gulped as the lump in my throat grew uncomfortable.

She looked sad. I knew she wanted to spend time with me somewhere so an idea popped into my head. I grinned as I ruffled the top of her hair.

She then looked up at me with those cute sad eyes

"I'll tell you what, on the last day before break is over we can go cruisin' downtown and listen to some oldies and Chicano rap. What do you think?"

She then looked up at me with her face glowing and she nodded yes very quickly.

"Can I bring someone you might remember from back then?" I looked at her with a confused expression and said, "What do you mean? It was only you."

She smiled widely

"Don't you remember my cousin, Memo?"

It took me a while to remember but I did. It was a very vague memory of all three of us at the park, but he was older than us. By now he should be a senior whereas Lena and I are only juniors.

So I nodded with a smile. And again the room grew quiet.

We both started laughing as we both decided to grab popcorn and some snacks from the kitchen as we sat down on the bed cris crossed.

We would exchange stories, sometimes sad and sometimes funny memories we had over the years. Both of us had the same taste in music so we listened to our favorite playlist.

It would never get awkward between us and it was as if she never left. We'd fall asleep happily with our hearts finally beating.

Little did I know things were gonna get a lot harder once school started.

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