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The air was heavy. Something was about to go down. Maybe Bonnie didn't notice but Emma did. Kai was being extremely calm as he explained his story to Bonnie. He stood leaning against the bark of a cut open tree with Emma and Bonnie facing him. Kai didn't look at Emma once as he spoke.

He hadn't showed any emotion since he began talking about his past but Emma's magic had grasped onto the mix of emotions deep in his mind- rage, guilt, surprise, excitement, confusion.

" That made zero sense I mean, magic just doesn't disappear," said Kai. " But then you made yours disappear, when you hid it in Ms. Cuddles and it hit me." A smile. " My sneaky little twin sister...hid her magic-" he rummaged through the leaf filled bark and hidden beneath it was a knife. He picked it up. " In this."

Emma's eyes widened. " Still there?" asked Bonnie who put on a good mask at not being afraid.

" Still here," said Kai. " And still full of magic." Kai closed his eyes, his lips slightly apart. Emma cursed herself for being turned on at inappropriate moments.

Kai lowered his hand but the knife remained in mid air. " Or was." He cocked his head to the side. " I just sucked it out."

Kai smirked. " I also have the ascendant and now all I need is Bennett blood." Bonnie's eyebrows rose in question as she backed away but Kai was faster. He caught at her shoulders and slammed the knife in her gut. Her legs gave away and she fell on the ground. Bleeding.

Now Kai looked at Emma. She flinched at the sight in front of her. Backing away. Kai put a hand on her arm to steady her. " Its alright," he said. " Come on." And led her into the house.


Emma's thoughts had been eating her up. She felt sorry for Bonnie who would wake up in this damned prison world all alone. So she did the least she could. She healed her. At least she would wake up and move around without any pain. Physically.

Now she stood in a clearing in the woods not far from the house. Her heart was thumping hard against her chest. She was going home.

Kai stood with the ascendant, looking at the sky. " Here," he gestured her to his side. Emma caught a glimpse of his torso and cursed. She moved to stand where he had pointed. Her back faced him. " Here?" she asked.

He did not reply. She turned and found no one in his place. " Kai?"

Then she felt hands wrap around her waist followed by a soft lingering kiss on the side of her face. She leaned into him feeling his chest against her back. His hands slipped into her cotton t-shirt  smoothly slithering up to her waist. She arched her back and he brought his mouth down on her. His hand stroked lazily around her rib cage.

No One Here - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now