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Emma knew Kai was a sociopath but only if amazement counted as an emotion....

" Didn't they go extinct?" By the look on his face Emma knew he was hungry for answers.

" No. We were all in hiding. Separated. I don't know where the others are."

" So, if you're this all powerful witch then how did you end up here?"

She sighed, playing with her food.
"I'm not sure if I should tell you."

" It's a better option than getting stabbed in the gut."

" Prick," she muttered. Kai smiled and motioned for her to continue.

" Before I got here I used to live in New Orleans with the Originals. I was an orphan before they found me. It was just me and my brother- Steven. They swore to protect us as long as we did as they said. They were the only family Steve and I had."

" How old are you again ?" asked Kai.

" 21."


" 1868. My brother and I were the strongest of our kind. Steve he - I tried to save him. I really did."


There was a knock on Emma's door at six in the morning. It couldn't be Kol or Klaus cause they never knocked before entering her apartment.

Her face was ghost pale as she opened the door. Steve had been working for Klaus and Elijah on something but neither would tell her what it was. He had been away for months now.

" Oh my God, Steve!" She exclaimed and wrapped her arms around her brother.

He didn't say anything just wrapped his arms tightly around her.

" How are you here!" He hadn't brought any bags so maybe he was only her for a short while.

His voice was small and beaten as he said, " I...I've got something to tell you." He looked sick as if he'd just thrown up. There was blood from deep cuts on his knuckles. Did he get into a fight?

" Yeah well let's get you settled first. I'm sure everyone would want to meet you, we've not seen each other in the last seven months."

" Em," he whispered, voice breaking. " I'm afraid that we don't have time."

Any joy that had risen in her heart died down. " I... don't understand."

" I thought she loved me," he said. A tear rolled down his face and his lip trembled as he tried hard not to break down. His legs gave away and he slid down against the wall. He brought his legs up to his chest, holding his face in his hands, rocking back and forth.

Steve didn't really like many people. And he certainly wasn't the kind of person who falls in love easily.

Emma bent down next to him, wrapping her arms around him as he sobbed in her shoulder. She rubbed his back. " It's alright."

When he looked up at her she noticed that Steve's lips were stained with blood. She gasped backing away when she noticed that her clothes too were covered in blood. Her brothers blood.

" What-"

" Edin-" he choked out. " Edin West, she-she took away my powers Emma." His trembling hands wrapped around her own. " My powers-"

" She drained your powers?" The realization set in. This couldn't be real. A knot had formed in her chest. It only grew painful. "Steve." Her voice broke. " Hey. It's alright, look at me, Okay? It's going to be alright."

" My powers- " He threw up blood.

Emma couldn't think. Couldn't breathe.

Steve's blood covered hands wrapped around her own.
" Pocket–" he choked out the word. Emma reached her hands into his pocket and found a pendant. The Robinson family heirloom. She didn't know what she was supposed to do with it. Steve coughed again.

" It's alright," Emma said. " I'll do a spell. You'll be just fine." Her heart was hammering against her chest. She wiped at her tears hastily as she tried a spell when Steve's hand fell from her own. He was losing energy every second.

" She took my powers. My–"

She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Never in her immortal life did she imagine a day when her brother would die in her arms.

" You'll get them back," She said but Steve wasn't moving anymore. She wasn't even sure if he'd heard her.

Then, she screamed. The entire house shook. All the glass artifacts in the house shattered. She laid there crying. Not letting go. Chanting different spells as if it would bring back her brother.

Rebekah finally arrived by mid day and had to drag Emma off Steve's body.

Emma wasn't surprised that Rebekah spent the entire day with her

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Emma wasn't surprised that Rebekah spent the entire day with her. Steve was like a brother to her too.

Kol came into her room sometime later.

" What do you want?" Rebecca snapped.

" I just brought lovely Emmaline here a gift," he said. "So, I did a little digging about Edin West. She is a witch. Part of the Gemini coven which is situated in Portland, Oregon, if I recall correctly."

Emma felt everything at once- confusion, anger, remorse, guilt.

" So," said Kol, a smirk forming on his lips. " Let's go suck the Gemini coven dry."


No One Here - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now