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Emma was awakened by someone screaming Kai's name. A female. She didn't recognize the voice.

But before whoever–it– was could touch her or push her against the wall and threaten her, Emma had her by the throat. She moved so unbelievably fast that the other girl didn't have a chance to react.

Emma was aware of her eyes glowing red from all the built up rage. She surveyed the curly blond hair, the deep blue eyes and let go.

" Don't sneak up on me," Emma hissed. Anger coiled in her chest as she recalled Damon's words from last night. It wasn't the fact that she'd have to kill herself that frightened her but the fact that Kai would have to witness it.

A month. She had a month before the merge.

I can run away. Go somewhere he'd never find me and then end it.

" Your eyes-" the girl began.

" Don't start. Why are you here, Liv?"

Her eyes widened as she backed away slightly. "How do you know my name?"

Ian. Emma had been with Ian the first time she'd seen her.

" Wait...," said Liv. " I remember you...You were with that annoying Ian from history class."

" He wasn't annoying."

" I don't care. Where's Kai?"

"How am I supposed to know?" She'd figured he'd be home by morning.

Liv raised her eyebrows."Well, taking in your appearance I think you'd know very well."

Emma surveyed the broken strap of her dress, the disheveled hair. And also the way she walked due to the slight pain in her knees. Heat rose in her face. "It's not what you think."

" Listen, I really don't care about what you've been doing." Her voice broke. Pain and sorrow radiated off her so ferociously that it sent a shiver down Emma's spine. Liv's eyes turned glassy as she said again, " Where is Kai?"

"I don't know. He hasn't been here since last night."

Liv sighed in frustration. A tear falling from her eye as she turned to walk away. Before she could walk out the door Emma caught her wrist and asked, "Wait– Liv, what's wrong?"

Liv huffed a laugh. " What's wrong?"
She yanked her hand free of Emma's grip. "What's wrong is that my father wants Luke and I to merge. Today. And I can't, cause Luke is stronger than me. And it's not dying that I'm afraid of but the fact that my brother will have to carry the guilt of killing me for the rest of his life!" She was breathing heavily. Tears slid down her face rapidly and despite the strong face she put on, Emma knew exactly how she was feeling.

She stepped forward slowly and wrapped her arms around Liv's trembling body. She reminded her of a certain someone from a long time ago. Fierce and stern in decisions. Liv didn't pull away but didn't return the embrace either. Emma didn't mind as long as it helped her calm down.

Liv pulled away when her breathing had returned to normal. "I have to find Kai," she said, wiping at her tears hastily.

Tonight. The merge was tonight. Emma felt as if all the air had been knocked out of her lungs. She didn't have time.

No One Here - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now