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Getting out of her thoughts Emma looked over at kai who was... Sleeping?

" You fucking cunt," She yelled.

Kai opened his eyes, surprised at what she'd called him. He grinned, "Easy there. I was listening in my sleep."

She narrowed her eyes." Were you though? "

" Dead brother, wasn't it? "

" Not how I would describe it but....yes."

" See, I was listening ."

" Whatever, sleepyhead. Go back to what you were doing," she said and went back to playing with her food when she realised that she had finished it. For the first time in months she had eaten a full plate.

" Okay. First, I wasn't sleeping. Second, what you just said to me doesn't explain how you got here."

" I'm getting there," she said. Prick, she added in her mind.

Talking was exhausting. And probably boring Kai to sleep. Literally. Showing him the memory would be more effective than narrating it to him.

"Give me your hand," said Emma and held out her own.

" Why?"

" I can take you into my memories and show you what actually happened." Emma held out her hand.

Kai nodded placing his hand above her. She placed her other hand above it, closing her eyes, trying to focus on the memory.

" Your hands," Kai spoke. " They're... cold?"

Emma had forgotten about that part.
"Too much power. It drains me sometimes," she said flatly, closing her eyes again to concentrate. She felt Kai gently squeeze her hand. The warmth of them spread through her entire body.

" Close your eyes," she whispered.

2 days later, Portland.

Kol and Rebecca had gone out to refill their stomach at a nearby bar. It had been a while. They were supposed to be here an hour ago. Emma knocked on Kol's hotel room.
But it was open.

" Hello love." She would recognize that voice anywhere.

" Klaus?" She smiled, closing the door behind her. " What are you doing here?"

" I heard about Steve. And I wasn't there when he lost his powers. He ran straight home to you." Emma swallowed. " You've been helping us for so long. Perhaps it's time we returned the favour. I will help you tonight." Emma wanted to say that there was no favour to be returned and that she had helped them because they were the closest thing to family.

" So will I," said a voice from behind her. Elijah.

She was overwhelmed. " Thank you."

" Rebecca and Kol will be here any-" Klaus pointed at something behind her. She turned to look and so did Elijah. Emma gasped,

" You stabbed them!"


" What's the plan ? " Emma asked .

" Well, we plan on going in there casually. Introduce ourselves and tell Joshua Parker to hand over Edin West and if he doesn't that's when you do your part," said Klaus.

No One Here - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now