Part 22

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Lindsey stirred in his sleep, unconsciously rubbing the side of his face, when he felt soft tickling. He pulled the sheets up to his chest, then had to do it again, when they were suddenly pulled back down. Lindsey groaned, wishing to fall back into a deep sleep again, but he smiled instead, feeling a gentle touch of Stevie's lips against his. 

"You're up early." Lindsey said, his voice sounding weak. "Or are we already running late?"

"No, we're fine." Stevie shook her head, resting her chin on his chest as she lay on her stomach. "I woke up and looked at you, seemingly so peaceful, and got a little lost in time." 

"So, I'm just eye candy, huh?" Lindsey asked, draping his arm around her naked upper body. 

"Not just." She said, pressing her lips to his bare chest again. "Happy birthday, Linds."

"Thank you." Lindsey smiled, running his fingers through Stevie's hair as she turned and lay her head on his shoulder, cuddling up to his side. "Not that I enjoy thinking about getting older."

"You certainly don't look or act your age, though. You're still going to go out on that stage tonight and give it a hundred and ten percent." 

"Yeah, but I wish I could just stay in bed with you for the rest of the day; order room service, watch a movie and make love to you." Lindsey said, kissing the side of Stevie's forehead. 

"We can still do all of that after the show." Stevie tilted her chin up, looking at Lindsey.

"That will be my excuse to Mick, so I don't have to go out. I'll tell him that I have a really hot date tonight." He smirked, making her roll her eyes. 

A few short minutes of silence later, Stevie spoke up again. "As nice as it is lying here with you, I have to go back to my room."

"No, you don't." Lindsey disagreed, his grip tightened around her. 

"Linds, I do. I need to take a shower and put on a clean set of clothes. We have soundchek." Stevie said, proceeding to pull away, but Lindsey didn't let her. "Come on... if you let me go, I'll put in extra effort during that hot date tonight." His arm around her loosened right away, causing Stevie to laugh. "You're such a man."

"Yes, I am." Lindsey nodded, smirking. "All right, you can leave, but after the show - you're all mine."

Stevie smiled sweetly, getting closer again, she gave him a kiss. "I'm always yours."

Moments later, Stevie was gone and Lindsey was left alone, still in bed. He crossed his legs at the ankles and clasped his hands, staring up at the ceiling. Since the two of them talked and reconciled, he could barely think about anything else besides Stevie. It felt different this time, everything did. What they had before were just affairs, both of them knew that once they returned home, they'd go back to their families until the next time Fleetwood Mac had to go out on the road. Now, however, what they head between them... Lindsey understood that he was allowing himself to get in too deep, but he couldn't help it. He had Stevie back, he truly had her with him again and even though it was wrong, considering everything, he couldn't remember the last time he felt so genuinely happy. A lot of things kept running through his mind; he wondered if they were simply fooling themselves, he thought of his family, of Stevie's family, about all the people that could get hurt and yet, it didn't seem all that crazy to him. For the first time, Lindsey didn't care. Was it selfish of him? Of course, but he deserved to be happy. Even if years had gone by, girlfriend, boyfriends, families the two of them had started separately... Lindsey believed that he deserved to be happy and he knew exactly where or more, with whom his happiness lay.

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