Chapter 2

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I find myself thinking about this girl I only just met.. wait... actually I didn't meet her at all I stalked her because that's what I do the crazy psycho Brooks
Because that's what I'm good at tracking down people stalking them killing them it's just my known instinct to go after anyone and not feeling sorry about doing shit to them. But this girl the one I stalked something about her I was drawn to.

So.. mom I was thinking when we are all moved in fully that we .. well I should say our neighbors have a cook out or something you know almost like a little family gathering she laughs softly. We will see Emma we need need to focus on one thing at a time ok hun.
Yeah.. mom I try putting on my best smile I know she right but I'm being here the first day already makes me so happy. "Oh and mom.. do you think I will need a school uniform or I can wear whatever I want this is going to be my first time wearing a uniform if it is one of those schools.

"I don't remember Emma I'm sorry or I would of told you. I sigh to myself ok well that's fine I guess I will find out when I go to visit this new school of mine.

"Well mom I think I'm gonna go ahead and head out now and check my new school out I'll let you know how everything goes.Ok be careful Emma, I know mom I will. I walk out to my car and get in I drive off going to my school on my way there before leaving the neighborhood I see a strange man with baggy sweat pants and a jacket on I don't think I've ever seen him before in the neighborhood that is.

I try to slowly drive past him without him knowing I also don't want him to think I'm some sort of freak either. Once I get closer to him I come to a stop and roll down my window "hey.. I put on my best smile I'm Emma I don't think I've seen you around ..? What's your name I sit in my car waiting for his response.

He looks at me for while which I find very strange. I look at him more closely and I notice he has blood on his face. I started to get nervous and scared, well um it was very nice getting to know you ... see you around in the neighborhood I put on a fake smile and drive off going a little to get as far away from him.

Brooks watches her leave as he took in every detail of her he already knew what she looked like but he couldn't get enough of her either. She was indeed scared and nervous because I made her feel like that the way her facial expressions changed the way her shaky hands held onto the steering wheel and how fast she drove off.

I decided to stay around the neighborhood for while before I had to go back to my hide out. There was something about her that drew me to her she was like addiction almost like a drug I couldn't just be around one minute then leave I had to stay around to stalk her as much as I could before I got caught.

But that's when I remembered that in her neighborhood she had at least one empty house I could break into without anybody knowing I would have to wait till night time I would definitely get caught and that's one thing I can't do. I waited for Emma to come back not so I can scare her.. but so I could make my move on her.

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