Chapter 19

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<<<<<<<< Amanda >>>>>>>

It's too late now! I hear loud alarms from far away
Coming to my trailer where I kept brooks from the police I knew I was no longer aloud to protect my brother anymore or hide him long I stare at my brother Brooks! Do what you do best and run!
I watch as my brother runs out quickly.I head outside as the police pull up and start asking me where my brother is. I realized that I knew this day would come that I would risk saving my brother to lose my job as sheriff.

It wasn't long they  had me come with them for questioning I knew what was best now and what was best now telling my brother to run so they couldn't get him. I hoped that he ran far away or to Emma's house so he wouldn't get caught I just hoped he made it somewhere I knew if he got caught I wouldn't ever be able to get him out especially since I broke all the rules as sheriff for lying to the police.

     <<<<<<<<<< Brooks >>>>>>>>>>>

I hear dogs barking from a distance I knew I wouldn't be long until my day comes where I finally get Caught I breathe heavily trying to catch my breath I slide down and lay against a tree. As I slowly rest I begin to  blackout without realizing it I feel my body feel over.

The team of police gathered around a passed out brooks one officer checks his pulse "he's alive cuff him and let's get him the hell out of here. As brooks was cuffed and blacked out they bring him to the same car Amanda was in and shut the door driving off.

As my heart drops the minute I see them shoving my brother into the same vehicle as me I begin to panic seeing him passed out. "What did you guys do!!
"Nothing we finally found him he was passed out and Amanda you're no longer sheriff you broke too many rules keeping your brother from us knowing what he is capable of.

"Yes! You don't think I know that you guys don't understand and will never understand! I'm his sister and I will do whatever I have to do to protect him.
I sigh I'm the only one who can really help him he's different I'm sorry I broke the rules but you need to believe me!

My coworker looks at me crossing her arms sorry Amanda you have no saying you're fired so he's in our care now. Brooks won't be able to do no harm here. She walks off and waves the driver off we begin to head to the police station. I take my brothers hand as he lays against the window blacked out "I'm sorry I couldn't fix you ... I'm sorry I couldn't save you I tried to do everything mom wanted me to do when the time came. Just when I thought I was able to protect you I failed and betrayed you Brooks.

          <<<<<<<< Emma >>>>>>>>>

Pacing around and around my room doesn't quite help my anxiety I try calling Amanda's phone over and over I even try calling brooks and nothing from the both of them. I begin to get frustrated and break down crying I wish Brooks didn't have to do the things he has done. I rushed to my feet and run out to my car and drive  out to where Amanda is.

Before I can get in my car I see my mother pull up almost hitting me like a crazy person. "Mom what the hell!! "You almost hit me ! No Emma you don't get to yell at me where are you going !? I-I gotta go I need to go! I get in my car driving off quickly I can see my mom in my rear view mirror chasing after me and calling my name.

As Emma pulls up to Amanda's trailer in the woods
She notices it looks different then usual. She takes a deep breath and exhales Emma see the front door standing wide open swinging against the trailer.

I slowly enter the trailer Brooks ? I look around the trailer is a complete mess I find Amanda's phone on the counter. I sigh and pick it up and take it with me I walk out still trying to cal for brooks I then see familiar footprints in the mud I slowly begin to follow them as I know they are brooks.

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