Chapter 35

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( Emma )

I knew that our story would eventually come to a end but I wouldn't ever think that it would be like this where brooks finally got what he wanted to either torture me for the fun of it or do whatever he had planned. I couldn't imagine how it could of been for Amanda the oldest out of the family that Brooks had left the older sister that protected him and did everything for her younger brother who went through hell.

We both did everything together to protect Brooks and at the end it wasn't good enough it was good to be able to know Brooks wasn't always like this. I'm pushes into the abandoned house where it all ever started my heart aches so much that I want this to be a dream I see a tied up Amanda in a chair in the corner. I slowly becomes light headed and sick b-brooks is- is she, "dead I hear him speak out and he guides me into another chair across from her and ties me up tightly.

"Brooks I swallow slowly is she I repeat again. He shrugs not too sure she knew what would happen if she was going to come here and try to come after me. "Why do you think I stayed here Emma I knew she would easily come after me and try to gun me down.
I stay quiet and avoid eye contact with him I don't have much left to say to him I hate that apart of me still wishes we could still be apart and nothing like this.

"Brooks you know better than anyone even yourself Amanda would never hurt you to just hurt you she knew it would come a time when- but I'm cut off by a piece of tape being wrapped around my mouth. I try to spit out the rest but all I could was mumbled so I stopped talking. I sit and watch not being able to do anything as I'm tied up Brooks drags out a moving Amanda from what I could see I had spotted some old blood dripped down her shirt.

The only thing I knew was that Brooks finally got what he had wanted and that was only for him to have me all to hiself with his parents gone and Amanda. Amanda was the only thing he had left to parent but now that she's gone there's nothing. There was once myself left who thought I could fix him everyone told me I was wrong there was no fixing him maybe I should've listened.

With everything happening so fast I fully haven't recovered to actually let my emotions out to feel the way I did how Brooks killed my mother the only thing that I had left. My father I don't even remember hardly anything about him now the only thing that I could remember was what my mom told me but I wasn't too sure if that part was the truth.

I move around uncomfortably in the chair with my hands bond I feels tear tickle down my cheeks as I can't stand being strong anymore to hold anything back. I feel myself having a panic attack and i feel dizzy and everything goes black. I'm not sure how long I have been out ice cold water is dumped over me my eyes snap open and I jump the zip ties dig in my arms cutting me I cry out in pain.

I see Brooks pushing me up right back to how I originally was I look on his eyes with desperate peering through them. He finally gets the hint ripping the tape off my mouth I take a deep breath in and out and cough. "What the hell was that! You aren't going to die on me not on my watch! I look down not making eye contact "what's it matter I'm dead anyways I say with no emotion in my voice.

It felt strange hearing myself talk like that but I knew it and we both knew it. "If anyone is going to kill you Emma it's going to be me! I stay silent as I start to shiver. "Well ... say something be scared!
I flinch at his words and I stay silent before I can speak I feel a sharp pain to my face when Brooks hand collides with my face. I turn to face him once more with pain in my eyes.

"Why don't you say anything fuck! "Be scared damnit ! "I am scared Brooks I am! I'm just hoping you will just get it over with because as of right now this plan or whatever you got going on is the only thing right now that's going to hurt me the most!
Is torturing me I look down and say no more.

He smirked "as you wish.

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