Chapter 34

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( Brooks )

I get inside my sisters car checking for her keys I see they aren't in the ignition I check her seat and find the shoved in the seat I smirked and started her car driving off to Emma. Once I pulled up to Emma's house where I knew she was all alone and her mother was no longer around I was able to hurt her without any distractions. I make my way up to her window where I once remember always climbing up to be with her whenever she would need me flash back of us together start flooding.

I make it to the top of her window I slowly peek before opening up her window but no sign of Emma in her room. I push her window open realizing it was unlocked I climbed complete inside her bedroom it was quite in her room. "Oh Emma where are you I smirked walking around trying to find her but still mo sign of Emma after searching the majority of her house.

                                      ( Emma )

If Brooks thought I was so stupid to just stay home knowing he would come back for me and hurt me I definitely knew better even if I stayed and locked my doors I had a feeling he would still find a way in.
I pull out my phone and try calling Amanda but no answer from her I sigh and walk down the street.

I knew better to stay out here long knowing Brooks would find me anywhere I went I don't think at this point I could even hide from him. It was almost like I could sense his next move or what he would be thinking. Familiar headlights flash in my eyes blinding me I knew it was too late for me and I have been found by brooks so I stood there not going to try to fight him.

The vehicle stops and goes realize it wasn't brooks who I was expecting it to be. It was my mother who ran and hugged me tightly I had expected her to yell at me and not give me the time of day to say anything but to be greeted with a hug.

"Mom? I say confused why are you here I expect you to be gone by now since brooks took me away. "Well as much as I wanna yell at you Emma and be mad I can't and it had time to think about everything I just want you to know of you really wanna stay here you can. "Oh I say surprise yeah um about that... I actually might have changed my mind too.

"What my mom says confused I thought you wanted to stay here with brooks ? "Well that's a long story but I'd rather not say right now. "Oh well in that case why are you all the way out here for the house is-
before I could finish  watching my mom speak I hear a loud gun shot and watch as my mom collapses on me.

It takes me a full minute to realize my mom was shot and I was on the ground while her body laid on top of mine. I scream out in pain trying to push my mom over blood was all over the places I laid on my mom panicking and crying. Brooks slowly walks up to me "you think you could run and hide from me Emma he smirked. I look at him scared and full of hurt "why! Brooks you realize you just shot my mom!

"Yeah yes I did I always hated her you know and I thought shooting her would make you happy just like how you were with me after all you wanted to get away from her forever. "Not like this Brooks ! I stay on the ground shaking and trembling holding my dead mother. "Well now you have no choice Emma you don't got anyone else now but me so why don't you come with me. "Never tears stream down my face.

He shrugs well your mom is gone and I'm pretty sure Amanda is too "did you know Emma she came to that same place when I first kidnapped you. "Brooks you have to know what you're doing is all wrong you must know your sister was all you had left who cared about you.

"That's where your wrong Emma ! I have you so you either come with me or I can make you so you pick I slowly point the gun at her. "Fine I slowly look at him please let me say my goodbyes to my mom.

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