Chapter 26

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( Brooks )

I knew in that very moment I was fucked as Emma's mother raised her voice at me as she caught me sitting on Emma's bed and her Holding herself as she cries. The only thing I could think about was making a run for it through her window. I panicked and quickly jump out her window falling to the ground I hear a snap in my arm I scream in pain.

"Fuck I ignore the pain in my arm and run off quickly to my i sister's house.

"Brooks! I wipe my tears away and stand against my window as more tears stream down I hold myself seeing he's gone and nowhere to be found. "Emma! Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on!? "That's him isn't it?  That boy you wrote about!

"Mom stop! Please I beg I can't do this now leave!
"No Emma I won't leave you better tell me what's going on right now! Mom I don't need to please !
Fine... but you better be telling me later I would love to hear why I found him near you when you were crying!

My mom leaves my room and slams my door slightly. My head hurts too much now I can't even tie my thoughts around everything that just happened brooks scarring me in the most awful way as possible. Especially with having that nightmare with him saying he was going to kill me I just can't believe he would do that to me. I knew he wouldn't hurt me in any way but just the thought scares me.

             <<<<<<<< Brooks >>>>>>>>>>>

I run out into the streets almost getting hit I froze up expecting to her head on until I hear the tires being screeched coming to a stop. I look up seeing my sister she rushes up to me, "what the hell I could of hit you!! "What are you doing ! "Let's get you out of here she groans and grabs my broken arm "fuck!
What she looks at me worried "I broke my arm jumping out of Emma's window long story.

"Why did you jump out of her window? "I said long story I rolled my eyes and get in her car. I groan and press my arm against my chest clinching my eyes shut from the pain. "Well alright brooks let's get you to the hospital and then I guess you can tell me everything yeah? I don't get no answer from my brother I sigh and start driving off. The drive was silent the whole way there I took glances at my brother and I knew deep down that he had messed up.

After we got back from the hospital my brother's arm was in a red cast I try my best to cheer him up "hey you know what this means right !? "I can be the first One to sign your cast! He sits in Silence still not saying a word except looking ashamed. "Ok .. seriously what did you do or what happened between you and Emma because you haven't said anything.

I slowly look up at my sister "I fucked up that's what I did I ruined everything that's what happened I walk past my sister stepping out and lighting up another cigarette. I watch brooks leave and look at him confused "wait what do you mean I see him smoking when did you start smoking ?

"What does it matter ? It's just a damn cigarette I shrug it off and continue smoking. "Ok..? Well are you gonna tell me or do I gotta investigate?
"You really wanna know Amanda I'll tell you I scared her and that's what I did I fucked up ok?!  "Alright calm down I'm sure things can be fixed what did you do to scare her and why?

"I don't know really he sighs I scared her by sneaking in her window and acting like I went back to my old self I had a fake knife and I pressed my hand against her mouth while she was sleeping and I was hovering over her. "What the hell Brooks that's really fucked up and low why would you ever in your right mind do that!

"I don't fucking know! Alright I feel fucking awful not only that she had a bad dream saying I did the same thing except I said I was going to kill her.
"Brooks you better coming up with the best apology for her she must be really hurt. "You don't think I fucking know !? "Hey! Don't yell at me Brooks you did this! You hurt Emma it was your idea so fix it!

I look down ashamed knowing she was right and what I did was very fucked up and can't explain why I would ever do that to scare or hurt her.

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