{Chapter 49}

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The day was here.

This day will be full of love and confusion. Also, two new couples is joining the wedding! Greenland and Antarctica along with North Korea and China. Turns out they're engaged too! Wow, that's a a huge cake.
France and Norway are in charge baking.

"Hey Nor!" France shouted as she mixed the batter(?).
"Yeah?" He replied as he was making the icing.
"I need some help putting this in the oven!" She said as she stopped stirring.
"Alright, let me just finish this." Norway then put the icing in the fridge.

He went over and helped France pick up the 5th bowl into the oven.

"This is gonna be one big cake." France said.

Norway nodded.
He huffed and spreaded his wings.

"What about the cupcakes?"

France looked at a tray and then looked at Norway. She pulled out a wand and made the tray float towards Norway. He looked confused, he stared at her.

"Heat them up please." She said.

Norway looked her then inhaled, he exhaled and a huge breath(?) of fire.
France put the cupcakes down and smiled.

"Thanks Norway!"

He huffed and checked on the cakes.
One had caught on fire.
In the meantime, UN, FBI, NATO and EU were waiting for their special guest. EU was helping UN put on his suit. NATO and FBI were discussing business. Then the door knocked.

"Ok..UN, please, don't sing." EU said
UN groaned and looked at him.
"Come on EU! We went over how I'm supposed to act a gazillion times! I'm gonna be alright." He replied.
FBI looked up and NATO raised an eyebrow.
"You sure?" Asked FBI.
EU glared at FBI and NATO opened the door.

It was ASEAN.

EU smiled and greeted him.

"Greetings my sir. Come in, come in." EU said.
ASEAN nodded and walked in.

NATO and FBI waved. UN went over to ASEAN and shook his hand very fastly(?). ASEAN chuckled a little in nervousness.

"Hello ASEAN!! It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm United Nations, but you can call me UN for short. Maybe even United. Which ever you please! How are you? I hope your day is going alright! Thank you so much for joining us!!" He said it all to quickly.

EU quickly separated the 2 apart. UN giggled in they knew they kinda messed up.

"I like his energy." ASEAN smiled.

EU glared at ASEAN. Now why is he here? Supposedly, the Philipines wanted his caretaker to be there. The Asean countries agreed and went over to UN,EU,NATO and FBI to talk about him coming. They didn't know he even existed, and yet, almost every country knew him. The countries only heard of him though, never met him in person. Still the 4 agreed, just to meet someone new.

ASEAN then held UNs hand and kissed it. UN blushed and NATO gasped.
"Oh snap." FBI said quietly.

EUs halo glowed and his eyes twitched.

Oh snap indeed FBI.

UN stuttered and smiled nervously.

ASEAN smiled and told UN,
"Dont worry hon, everyone's nervous." and winked.

EU became more pissed.
UN blushed more.

H-hon?! UN thought.

NATO and FBI looked at eachother.
"This will not end well." FBI whispered.
EU tried to stop it.
"ANYWAYS! Let's head to the area we're supposed to go to. The MASSIVE WEDDING we were invited to!" He said.

You could hear his neck crack as he turns his head to ASEAN after he said Anyways.

ASEAN nodded and smiled, helping UN stand up by holding his hand.
"Here, let's walk together."
UN was blushing like hell.
EU was getting very pissed at ASEAN, he wanted to see him go. Not out the door. Out of this world. They all walked outside and into the car. ASEAN was getting very close to UN. To close for EU, NATO tried to help by sitting in the middle but ASEAN moved seats. UN was very flustered. EU growled and FBI calmed him down. They drove to the area and saw Italy , UK , Spain and Greece were decorating. It looked amazing from the outside! They parked the car and got out of it. They walked and it was beautiful, FBI and NATO were shocked. U.N. stood in the middle, ASEAN walked over to him and kissed his cheek. UK, Spain, Italy and Greece gasped.

"Oh my!" UK said.
"This, will be interesting," said Spain with a smirk.
"Spain shut up!" Italy replied.

Greece shrugged and just continued. EU was getting VERY pissed, his rage was fueling. UN smiled and blushed, flustered by his charm. FBI was about to beat up ASEAN but NATO stopped him before he could even walk towards him.

"This looks lovely, like you." ASEAN said.
U.N. blushed more and stuttered.
EU finally decided to separate them by ask U.N. to come over. UN waved at ASEAN as he walked over, EU felt, sad. For once.

Meanwhile with the Couples...


Mexico was helping him put on a outfit, Chile was having a nervous breakdown so he shouted things in another language. Mexico looked over at Ukraine, who was crying as ever, Canada was helping calm down Ukraine. Greenland was with Antarctica and Greenland was smiling for once. South Korea was with his brother North Korea, and North was throwing a tantrum. Russia was waiting for America to put on his clothes, America was in a small dresser room and texting the states.

AmericaTheDad : kids, how are you guys right now?
TexasOneSTAR : California and Arizona are on fire. Oregon is eating his toast and Alaska is fighting with Indiana about the show 'Stranger Things'
XxAlabamaxX : Dad, are you coming home soon?
AmericaTheDad : of course I am, I'm bringing Russia, Canada and Ukraine. South Korea and maybe Japan.
NewMexchantment : Who's Ukraine and Japan?
TexasOneSTAR : Wait. New countries?!
AriZONE : new countries?!
Goldielifornia : did someone say new countries?
AmericaTheDad : Are you okay, I heard you were on fire?!
AriZONE : Yeah we are fine.
Goldielifornia : Indiana put us out
StrangerIndiana : I stopped arguing with Alaska. We finally agreed on one thing.
I'llAsklaz : Robin and Steve is a good ship.
StrangerIndiana : NO! It's not! Robin is a lesbian!
I'llAsklaz : SO?!

America sighed.

AmericaTheDad : kids. I love you all. Now I have to hurry.
TexasOneSTAR : love you too buster.
AriZONE : See you soon dad!
NewMexchantment : Sending love!
I'llAsklaz : I love you dad.
StrangerIndiana : See you later dad!
Goldielifornia : Ilysm! ❤
XxAlabamaxX : I love you so much too daddy!

America turned off his phone and opened the door. Russia looked at him and blushed, America was wearing...a long beautiful Navy Blue dress. The other countries gasped.

"Boss! You look beautiful!" South Korea said.

The other countries nodded and Russia held America's hand. He kissed it and America blushed. Now they had to wait.

Author's note ♡~
Heyo! It's been a while since I updated, right? Yeah...it's sadly going to be like that for a while. I'll try posting a chapter as soon as possible! My apologies for the MASSIVE wait. Sorry if a bunch of countries SUDDENLY are engaged or dating, I need them to be in a relationship-. Mommy loves y'all ❤

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