{Chapter 35}

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Russia drank some more vodka. He didn't know what just happened. Words kept echoing though his mind, memories he doesn't recall.

"Say it you damn Russian."

New words kept coming in his mind. He was confused and stressed, he managed to calm down and shut his eyes, once they were shut. A bright cold gold would be seen in his eyes. When he blinked again, the gold was gone. He sighed and thought, 'When did it all go wrong?'.

As America drove to Russia's house, the kids still sang.

"23 bottles of Wine on the wall!" Shouted Tennessee.
"Take one down" Hawaii followed.
"PASS IT AROUND!" Shouted Oregon.
"22 bottles of Wine on the wall!" Every state shouted.

Moscow was nervous and Alaska kept falling asleep. Moscow looked at Texas laughing and sighed, he was going to meet his grandpa but...he never got the chance to meet his parent. He didn't know anything about them, he didn't have anything that belonged to him. Maybe Russia did, but what were the odds? As the kids were almost done with 'wine in the wall'. Moscow decided to do the final bottle.

"1 bottle of Wine on the wall!" Shouted California.
"Take one down" Moscow said.
"Pass it around!" America shouted from the front seat.
"No more bottles of Wine on the wall!" Shouted every state with Moscow joining in.

Every state laughed and giggled and cheered. They actually finished the song for once, usually they stopped at 57-34. But since Russia's house is in a more crowded place, they had to use a different road. America looked at Russia's house and found a place to park his car behind the house, he stopped. Then Russia came out, so did America.

"Hey." Russia said.
"Hello, I have Moscow, I also brought my 50 children." America explained.
"My house won't be-" Russia spoke before he was cut off.
"Don't worry! I've got it covered."

He opened the door and every state came out, Alaska and Moscow didn't. Missouri crawled into the car and brought them both out. They looked at their father, as small tears began to appear, Russia was actually crying too.

"Are you crying?" America asked as he was also crying.
"Пет (No)..you're crying too dumb*ss.." He said wiping his tears.
"Папа!" Moscow shouted.

Moscow and Alaska ran into Russia's arms in happiness, Russia hugged them tightly. Every 50 states started to cry,

"Texas! You idiot hold me-!" California said hugging Texas while crying.
"I'll hold you idiot-!" He replied with tears in his eyes.

America wiped his eyes by taking of his glasses, a small glance of his eyes would be seen. Russia let go of them and looked at them.

"How have my дети been?" Russia asked.
"I've been good." Moscow replied wiping his tears.

Alaska nodded and smiled, some states gasped and Massachusetts said :

"South Carolina catch me" before falling onto the floor.

They've never seen Alaska smile and cry at the same time. She was a stone cold Russian, Hawaii came up to Russia and handed him a small bracelet.

"For you giant Russian man who smells like something dad calls 'vodka'." She said.
"Oh-. Thank you young one" he said.

"How does Hawaii know what vodka and Russian is? Most importantly, how does she know what does it smell like?" New York asked.
"Beats me." Washington replied.

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