Chapter 53 (Short)

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Arizona groaned and rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh thank goodness! You're awake!" Florida was over him and smiled.
Arizona was confused and looked around, realizing he was in the living room. Maryland and Alaska were still knocked out. He looked at Arkansas and Minnesota.

"What were you doing in her room?! You know we're not allowed in." Minnesota scolded Arizona.

Arkansas was sipping some coffee. Arizona tried to explain to them why and what they saw in the room. Nobody believed Arizona though.
"Dads not gonna like your excuses." Arkansas said.

Arizona sighed and tried to get up but winced from the pain. Florida made him sit back down.
"You took a massive blow to your head." Florida explained.
"I know.." Arizona mumbled.
"You're lucky California found you." said Minnesota.


"Yeah. Cali was the one who carried you down here! They're in their room right now." Minnesota explained.

Arkansas nodded and went to refill his coffee. Arizona tilted their head a bit then Maryland began waking up. Florida went over to help them. Arkansas was watching his coffee refill as Oklahoma came down. They talked for a bit.

California was on the stairs, walking back to CSA.

"So?" He looked at them.
"Well...they're busy and occupied." California told them.
"That's good." He smirked.
California's emerald eyes had turned into rubies. They'd sometimes flash green at points.
"When's my brother coming home?" CSA asked.
"Well...he should be back in a few days or so, giving time to allow you do whatever you want Dixie." California said.

"Okay...good." He patted their head.
"Do whatever you want for a bit, I have to go check on something." CSA told them as he walked away.
California sighed and his eyes turned back into emeralds. He went over to help Florida with Maryland. He didn't know what to think or do.

Alaska was still knocked out. Arkansas brought all of the states near him some coffee. Arizona wanted to tell them what he saw, but sighed as they were all ignoring him.

CSA opened a door and walked in there. Not coming out for a while.

sorry its short. Multi-tasking. I promise it'll be longer next chapter!! Have a good day or night, JLS out!!

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