{Part 3}

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Nobodys POV
The states stayed up to play T or D until 1am, they all fell asleep and a youngest one in the house (Hawaii) is gonna explore.

Hawaii's POV
I wake up very early, I can see out my window that it's still dark. I look at my clock and it's 3am, daddy (shes 7) told me this is the time the demons and bad spirits come out. I gently open my door and peak down the hallway, making sure nobody is awake. I get out my room holding Teddy, I hug Teddy tightly as I walk to some of my brothers and sisters rooms. I first go into California's room, making sure he's alright and that daddy helped him. He's sleeping, good, that means daddy helped him. I sneak into Texas's room and he isn't in here, I look through his room and find his hat. I saw Caliy (Californias nickname that only Hawaii calls him because she gave him the name) wearing his hat, maybe daddy put his hat in his room, I want a hat like Texa (Texas's nickname from Hawaii only), maybe Texa can get me a hat. I walk out of his room and hear a "What are you doing Frangipani?" (Frangipani is a Hawaiian flower) I quickly turn and see Maine. "Snooping around at this time again?" he pats my head, "M-Maybe" I stutter, how did he know I was snooping around? Is he a Unicorn? "Come on, it's 4am. Go back to sleep", wait it's 4am? I spent 1 hour snooping around. I see Maine dissapear into his room and when he closes the door I quickly head downstairs, I want a snack. I see New Mexico,Arizona,New Yolk,Oaklahoma,Ohio,Texa (nicknames for everyone!) in the living room sleeping. I then notice Alaska, who is starting to get cold. I sit down besides her and hug her tightly, she smiles and hugs me back. I can see that she's still melting....I feel it....Daddy doesn't believe me, due to the new president...daddy changed to much...I want old daddy back..

Alaska's POV
I notice that Frangipani is starting to cry, I rub her tears and smile trying to let her know that I'm fine. She hugs my arm and says "Kaikaina (sister)....I don't want to loose you" she says in her heart breaking voice. She's really young and she's pretty self-cautious and scared of almost everything, I pick her up and walk towards her room. She fell asleep in my arms, I walk in her room and place her down on her cute and small bed. Her room actually used to be mine when I was younger, it still looks how dad painted it. A Navy Blue with small white spots as snowflakes, and the door had flowers painted onto it. I get out of her room and notice Maine. "Hey Alaska" Main greets me like that, just a normal 'hEY'. I wasn't mute like how I am right now, I once had a voice but lost it to save one of my siblings. One of them almost lost their voice so I gave them mine, they sound the same, nothing like me at all. I did it so she can speak, I can't speak now. Dad said he'll one day find a way for me to speak again, even though he has said that for the past 5 years..Maine snaps his fingers, realing me back to reality. "You okay?" he asks me, I nod yes and walk towards my room. I share with Washington and Idaho, they're sleeping so I grab my phone and start using it. Dad doesn't allow us to use our phones if we wake up early, but we still do. Who can complain? It's the internet.

Nobodys POV
The sun rises at 7:02am and 17 of the states are up. Alaska,Maine,Hawaii,Florida,Oklahoma,Ohio,California,Texas,Arizona,New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Iowa and Arkansas. America is up and he has to go to work like always. He cooks breakfast so they won't have to eat nothing, he makes pancakes, grill cheese(s), eggs and bacon and finally soup. It took him an hour to make it all, he dresses for work and calls the babysitter.
America : Hey South Korea! I heard you were off today and I wanted you to babysit my kids. I have a meeting today and I'll stay late, I cant trust the kids alone so can you please babysit them?
South Korea : Sure thing Ame! I love those little guys, I'll head towards your house.
America : Thank you South!
South Korea : No problem!
Americas POV
I put my phone in my bag, I have my suit on. Important papers? Yes. Documents? Yes. Wallet? Yes. Suitcase? Yes. I have everything, I rush downstairs nd say "Okay kids! South Korea is on his way here so, Maine you're in charge for now. Remember the rules kids!" all of my kids hug me goodbye and the youngest one Hawaii hugs me and says "Goodbye Daddy, have a nice day at work". That'll be my goodluck charm today, Hawaii is the sweetest state out of my kids. I look at California who's laying on the couch trying to fall asleep, I get worried over him and Oklahoma whispers to me "He'll be fine dad, we'll take care of him" . I walk out the house and get in my car, my phone rings and it's Russia,
America : Russia, why are you calling me?
Russia : The meeting has been transfered to a new area, (insert address lol)
America : You're actually kidding, that's 30 minutes from where I am.
Russia : I know South Korea is gonna babysit your kids, Canada is gonna tag along. Is that alright?
America : Sure, how did you know he was babysitting?
Russia : He had treats for them
America : ah, thats where they get hyper
great. Now I drive 30 minutes to the meeting, can't waste any time so..I better hurry.

Texas's POV
Dad left the house now we're all acting the same again, Maine passed out from Florida, Iowa almost set California on fire etc. I sit besides California who is...drugged? "Did someone do anything to California?" I shout and all of my siblings stare at me. "No" is their respond but Colorado asks "Why are you wearing New Yorks sweater on your head?". Crap...I forgot I had it on. Colorado tries pulling it off, meaning he's pulling my hair. New York, Ohio and Oklahoma  pull him back. I'm now crying because he pulled my hair, I rush towards my room in tears. I slam the door shut and sit down crying. Few minutes later there's a small knock. "Texa?" , it's Hawaii. I let her in and her sees my watery eyes, she hugs me and I hug her back and asks me why I have New Yorks sweater, I have to show her...she's my youngest sister..I pull off New Yorks sweater and she smiles. "You're hair is amazing Texa!" in a happy tone, "Thanks Hawaii" I reply. She made me feel better, I grab my hat that somehow was on my bed. I put it on stuffing my hair in it, only leaving some out. I pick up Hawaii and then there's knocking, "Texas! Are you there?" Maine shouts in a worried tone. "What's going on buster?" "Something's wrong with Cali! Come on!" I then hear his footsteps, I dash out my room holding Hawaii and see California looking like he's drugged. Oh god..

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