Another Greetings {Chapter 44}

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"WHY IS THERE ANOTHER ONE?!" Screamed Missouri.

They had screamed and jumped into Alabama's arms, who was looking at another small person in the house. They didn't have a flag either. Suddenly, Texas and America came in with guns, Texas also screamed, which woke up other states. America's eyes widen and the small person then bowed to America.

"At your service sir." They said standing straight.

Then the other small person woke up, he immediatly ran besides the other small person and stood straight too. America put away his gun and Texas hid behind Nevada, which Nevada was hiding behind Indiana.

" must be my army and my captital." America said with a smile.
"Sir yes sir!" said one.
"yes sir!" said the other.
"My capital, Washington D.C, and my army, U.S Army."  America said.

Their flags then appeared and the states gasped, other states came in and were shocked. "Yorkie, catch me." California said before falling down and passing out. New York followed. South Dakota sighed and dragged them back to the couch.

"Welcome to the family!" America said giving both U.S Army and D.C a hug.

They hugged back and the states clapped. Every state then joined the hug, now it was a huge hug. California and New York then woke up and immediatly joined the hug, America sighed and gulped.

"I-I can't believe I'm going to say this, but these 2 need....outfits." America said.
"oh no." Oregon said.

California, New York and Florida's eyes widen...did America say...outfits? The 3 squeeled and pulled them away, the 2 a little shocked suddenly saw themselfs in a room. California did their hair, New York was choosing the outfits and Florida was helping check their sizes. The 2 felt a little odd in that position but they just went along with it. By the time they were done, California had tears in her eyes.

"Such amazing outfits." She said.
"We're the best outfit makers" said New York.
"Agreed." Followed Florida.

The 3 then brought the 2 downstairs and the states 'oooh'ed at them.

D.C was wearing a white suit with a black tie. He wore blue jeans. US Army was wearing a army outfit. America felt like a great father, his phone then began ringing. He walked into his room and looked at his phone, UN was facetiming him.

"Facetime?" America said under his breath.
He accepted the "call" and UN had his face to close to the camara.

"Can you see me?" UN said.
America sighed,
"Yes I can UN."
"Oh!" He moved his face a little bit more away from the camara. EU was in the background, brushing his teeth.
"Why are you calling, I'm sorry, FACETIMING me." America asked.
"Just wanted to check how you're doing!" UN said smiling, his wings puffed up a little.
"Oh. Okay, well I was planning to call you later to tell you something but since you're calling me already, I guess I'll tell you." America said.
"Oh? What is it that you want to tell me?" UN asked.
"I have my capital now and uhh....I have my own army, somehow.." America tried to explain.

EU could be heard in the background choking on the water he was planning to spit out, he did spit it out though. He immediatly snatched the phone out of UNs hands, he could be heard saying "hey!".

"You WHAT?" EU said, kinda screaming at the phone.
"I erm...have my capital army..." He said sounding a bit unsure that he could say that again.

EU smiled and then said,
"We're actually going to host a meeting for every capital to meet eachother. You can bring your army with you, I'd love to meet him or her."

"Him." America said.
"Okay then! It's settled! We're hosting it!" EU said.
"But E-" UN was about to say before EU threw a pillow at him.
"See you soon Meri! Bye!" EU said before ending the call.

"Uh..ok." America said.

He went back to where all the states were and his eyes widen, what did he see? Chaos. California has been set on fire because Arizona was on fire and bumped into him. Idaho was chasing both of the states with buckets of water and bandages, Washington (the state) was holding towels. Florida was scaring Alabama by crawling like a spider and managed to scare Tennessee along. Texas was chasing D.C with his pistol while Army was chasing Texas with a belt. The other states were either screaming, argueing, playing, eating or watching all the chaos explode. Maine with Rhode Island were just talking  while everything was happening.

"F*ck me gently with a knife and pull it out." Ame said under his breath.

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