Chapter 9: Music Video

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"Welcome back," Finn said the next Monday, when the New Directions gathered in the choir room for their first gathering since Invitationals. "There's obviously a lot of work to do, so I won't waste any time. I've gone through what each of you need to work on but it wasn't just talk. I've gotten you all the right help and I think with some experts in various fields, you'll be able to really improve. So without further ado, please give a warm welcome to your new coaches."

As the kids clapped aimlessly, Santana, Shana and Julie walked into the room. Jared smiled, turning to Stewart and murmuring, "Hot chicks, score..." Stewart gave him a look, rolling his eyes at the guy's brain being in his private parts all the time.

"Santana is Blackbird Records first artist and has an album in the works," Finn introduced the mentors. "Julie is not only working as VP of Blackbird Records, but is also the lyricist for Santana's album, and has had her songs purchased and recorded by other artists in the past, from Demi Lovato to Taylor Swift to Mercedes Jones. And Shana is one of two cover girls for Welsh, so she's a pretty big deal. But aside from that, these three ladies have much to offer you. Riley, Debbie, Ade and Helen... You all have got to get more into it and I think the problem is a lack of confidence. Nobody I know has more confidence than Santana, so you all will be working with her today." 

Santana wiggled her fingers at them, while Kayli said, "And the rest of us?"

"Kayli, you, Jeremy, Drew, and Jared will be working with Julie," Finn answered. "She's by far one of the best vocalists the New Directions has had and you could all learn a lot from her."

"Why do I need help with my vocals?" Kayli asked, raising a brow at Finn.

Julie stepped in and said, "You don't. I mean, everyone has room for improvement, but I asked Finn to place you in my group because I think you have a really unique voice and I'd like to work with you, while still helping the others."

This answer momentarily pleased Kayli, though she wasn't sure she liked the fact that she was being put with the worse singers regardless. Finn continued, "Shana is obviously recognized for her great figure, which she maintains through dancing. A lot. It is one of her many talents, so she'll be taking Brianna, Jackson, Stewart and Autumn. If nobody has any questions, we can begin."


"That was a great first rehearsal," Julie said when her time with her group was over. "You all have nice voices, every one of you. You just need to learn how to use them. Drew, can I have a second with you? The rest of you are free to go."

As Jeremy, Jared and Kayli left the room, Drew walked over to where Julie was standing and said, "What's up? Am I in trouble?"

"Not at all," Julie shook her head. "I just noticed you seemed distracted. Anyway, you have a phenomenal voice, very Broadway, and I was hoping we could have an extra session this week to really help you find the right type of song that'll make it stand out."

"Thanks," Drew began, "but I'm not really interested in getting noticed for an amazing voice. Everything that I do, I do for the fun of it. Well, except making films. There's so much more to that. Anyway, I wouldn't really have the time regardless. Between regular rehearsals and cheerleading... See, I have to build this portfolio between now and next semester in order to get into a film school summer program that can basically guarantee an acceptance next year when I'm a senior. So far, all I've got are home videos and recordings of cheerleading practices. I need to create something that really captures the attention of the people in charge of the program and helps me stand out from the other applicants. So I just can't see myself devoting some of the time I could be using on that on learning which show tunes can help me be the best one in the team."

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