Chapter 71: A Day at McKinley

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"Thank you for coming," Finn said as he greeted the twelve alumni who were sitting in front of him in the choir room. "As you all know, Jesse is getting married this Saturday. Because of that, he will be gone all week, as he is busy preparing for the big day and feminist Quinn would not let him dare do any less work than he. Plus, he's dealing with some of Santana's press related things since she just did a small tour and—"

"Get to the point," Kitty rolled her eyes. "I don't think I need to remind you that we have busy lives." She turned to Stefan, who was on his phone playing a game, and added, "Well, some of us do."

Looking up at her and grinning, Stefan interjected, "She's right, we have things to do."

"Which is why I'm so grateful that you could all take time out of your very busy schedules to come here today," Finn nodded. "Especially you Sugar. You don't even live here and yet you showed up."

"I'm here a little early for the wedding," Sugar explained with a big smile. "But you know I'm always happy to help."

Santana rolled her eyes and said, "I'd just like to clarify that if I'm here it's because I just got off of a small tour I did in Cali and I needed somewhere to kill my time while I wait for Q's wedding."

"I'm excited for that too!" Albany shrieked.

Sugar turned to her and said, "Ok, I've met everyone else here but what's with this chick?"

Finn smiled and explained, "She's Albany. She teaches here."

"And I'm Shana's girlfriend," Albany added. "Shana was a little busy running errands today but I'm here in her place."

"And I'm so glad that you are!" Finn thanked her.

Bree cleared her throat and nodded in Leila's direction. "Oh!" Finn exclaimed. "And Leila. Thank you so much! You're not even an alum and you're here giving your valuable time to help the kids."

"Of course," Leila smiled. "I always have fun here."

"Unfortunately, it won't all be fun," Finn explained with a heavy heart. "Stewart left us a few weeks ago and though Blaine, who was his mentor, won't be here for a few more days, we thought that maybe we could get all of the other mentors to pair up with the kids and sing a few songs to continue airing out their feelings. Last week they talked about how they felt about him. Now I want them to talk to each other. Or rather... sing..."

Harmony raised her hand and asked, "So do we convince our mentees to sing to people they have things they want to say to then?"

"Not exactly," Finn shook his head. "I thought for this assignment we could switch things up. Instead of the assigned mentors of earlier in the year, we'll have different pairings. They've been selected already, so I need you to just wait until I read out the list and then wait for the kids to get here. Then you can talk to them and find out what truths you both have in common that you can put into song and sing in front of everyone."

"Cool assignment Mr. Hudson," Sam goofed around. "I'm in."

"Me, too," John nodded, trying to ease his way back into Sam's social circle. Unfortunately, it wasn't working, and Sam was still very upset with him. The worst part was that because everyone agreed that he'd done something very terrible, nobody would offer to help them mend their friendship.

Jake crossed his arms and asked, "Ok, so we're taking some time off of our lives to do this. Let's get started then. Who are we paired up with?"


"So what do you want to sing about?" Bree asked Ade as they took a seat in an empty Geography classroom. "You can sing about anything to anyone. That's a pretty cool assignment."

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