Chapter 3

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"I'm...pregnant?" I look up at Four and see he's already staring at me. I quickly avert my eyes and look at Chris. I have no idea what to say.

"Yeah! You and Four did it" Uriah says and laughs.
"Shut up Uriah" Christina says

I close my eyes tight and pinch my arm. Tris, wake up. It's just a dream. Stop it. WAKE UP. I open my eyes again and I'm still in the hospital. Everyone standing in front of my bed. Chris and Four on either side of me. My eyes move back to Four. I stare into his eyes thinking about all this. About everything that's happening right now. I don't know what to think, that I chose another faction, I joined the most dangerous faction there is. What happened to Caleb? To my mom and dad? My mind thinks of everyhting that could have happned in seven years.

"Why don't I remember anything? Why am I in the hospital? What happened?" I ask.

"There was an accident at Dauntless. A lot of people ended up in the hospital but I guess you're he only who doesn't remember..." Christina answers.


When I walked into the room I saw Tris awake. Finally after 2 days, and I was so happy she was awake and okay I just kissed her. But she didn't kiss back and I didn't know why, everyone behind me was whispering something. "She doesn't remember" And it turns out, she didn't remember, at least anything for the past 7 years.

It takes me a minute to process this. To realize that she doesn't remember when we first met, our first kiss, the wedding, anything. I don't know how to feel, if I should cry or be mad. Instead i just punch the wall.

I look down at Tris in the bed. Her eyes are lost and questioning and I want to help her. But I don't know how to...

There's a knock at the door and the doctor walks in. We explain to him Tris" situation and he examins her. I watch closely over his shoulder trying to see if she is responding at anything.

"It seems Mrs.Eaton has been hit in the head really hard during the accident and it's messing with her memory. I'm not sure when, or if hermemories will come back. The brain is a very fragile and unkowing thing. The best thing for Mrs.Eaton is to go back to living her life as usual. Don't bring on too much for her at once because it can be overwhelming. And if any piece of memeory comes back to her, come to the hospital and we will check it out." the doctor tells us.

"When will she be able to come home?" I ask.

"In about a week or so she can go home. We still need a cople tests done"

The doctor and everyone else leave, and its just Tris and I in the room. I turn towards her. She still looks like the old Tris, same blonde hair, small, lean and beautiful.

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