Chapter 7

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As I climb the old Ferris wheel I feel one of the foot holds go lose and I'm left dangling from there. I let out a scream and call for Four. Next thing I know I'm falling. But surprising I don't fall to the ground, I feel a something soft underneath me. In in one of the carts.

My eyes flutter open and all I see is light. I recognize this room, I'm in the hospital again. Can I not get a break from here? I sit up and my dream comes back to me. What was that?

"Tris? How are you feeling" Four cuts off my thoughts as he speaks.

I look up at him, he doesn't look much different than what I saw in my dream. Just a little older...? What's happening?

"The baby was acting up and then you passed out. You're okay now" He says answering my thoughts.

"I-I have a question" I ask.
"Did I fall from the Ferris wheel the first time we went there?"
"You did... Why? Do you remember?!" His voice hopeful.
"I only remember that. It came to me in a dream." I say.

Four called a doctor in to check if I'm alright. He asked me if I remembered anything else, I searched my brain for anything that could come up. But nothing comes to my mind.

"Well clearly Tris has had a flashback and where you took her triggered the memory. Tris if you feel weird in any way just tell someone because it might be another memory coming back. It would be best not to try and trigger another memory for a week or so because it can be very overwhelming and might end up Mrs.Eaton in the hospital again." The doctor tells us.

It feels weird being named Mrs.Eaton when now I only have one memory of my husband. The one I'm gonna have a baby with to add to that.

"Do you think the rest of her memories would come back if we brought her back to where they happened?" Four asked.

"Could be. But the mind is an interesting and confusing part of the body. It is unpredictable. Like we said before Mrs.Eaton may not even get all her memories back, some may come early than others. And some can come in small pieces like the memory she has just had, or could be an entire story. It is uncertain of what will happen."

I had permission to leave the hospital later that day. Four drove me home and we said nothing to each other on the way, and it did not seem awkward really, it felt comfortable.

Tris and I get home later in the evening and everyone is over for dinner to celebrate the new memory that has come back to Tris. I'm glad something has come back, I had hoped the Ferris wheel would do something to help and it did.

We sit around the table for dinner. Tris has helped me lately also around the kitchen since she was the one who did most of the cooking, but even since the accident I had to learn to cook my own meals.

"Tris, do you want to go shopping with all of us girls tomorrow. Get a day away from the guys" Chris asks.
"Uh sure" Tris answers looking over at me.
"Oh girls night out! Don't buy any bras without me" Uriah comes into the conversation.
"Oh shut up" Chris says as Tris turns a bright shade of red. She'll have to get used to Uriah and his... humor? Whatever you want to call it.

We finish dinner and I clean up with the help of Shauna.

"So how you doing with all this memory thing" She asks.
"Could have been better but I guess it's okay."
"If you want help or want to talk, I'm here." She smiles.
"Thank you Shauna."

After dinner they all leave and I'm left with Tris. Alone at last.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I turn to her.
"Okay." She answers. "Any good movies I've missed?"

I smile and grab one of Tris' favourite movies that she used to watch all the time. I always wondered how she never got tired of watching the same movie over and over again. But then again, I end up watching it with her as always.

"This is you're favourite movie." I say as I put it in the DVD player.

We sit on the couch together as the movie plays, I slowly inch myself closer towards Tris and wrap my arm around her. To my surprise she didn't do anything, I thought maybe she would pull back or ask me what I was doing. Maybe that memory of hers had made her see more of me.

I hold Tris as the rest of the movie plays. I barely pay attention to the screen and what's happening around me as my attention is on Tris. Gods I love her so much and hope she remembers that she loves me too.

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