Chapter 17

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Our house door is open. I remember locking it before we left. Isabelle and the babysitter are here in the house. Tobias gives me a side glance as we both walk into our house. We enter the kitchen slowly and look around. Nothing out of the ordinary. We walk around the house looking for anything wrong. Nothing.

"Tris!" I hear Tobias call out.
"Where are you?!" I answer
"Our room" he calls back

I run to where Tobias is and take in my surroundings. Our room is a disaster. Clothes strewn everywhere, my makeup on the floor. All our pictures on the floor. It was a complete mess.

"What the hell happened!!!" I freak out.

I walk into the room taking in everything. I bend down and pick a picture of what was supposed to be Tobias and I, but there's only Tobias in it. The picture clearly torn in half. Why would someone do this. We've searched the whole house and it's only our room that's a mess.

I put the picture down and run to where I kept my parents things they left me. I reach for the box I keep in my closet but come up with nothing.

"No no no no no" I say and look around frantically for the small box with the last things I had of my parents. I search the whole room and come up with nothing.

"Tris what's wrong" Tobias comes up to me.

"Everything's wrong!" I shout and I can't help but cry. I cry because I don't know what's happening. Why someone would do this. What they wanted. Why they took my parents things.

Tobias catches me as my knees fall weak and I just stay there sobbing into his shirt.

"Shhh it's going to be okay Tris" Tobias says trying to comfort me.

I hold onto him never wanting to let go. Right here in his arms I felt safe, like nothing bad could happen to me here. But that didn't last long because Tobias pulled back and looked at me.

"Let's go get Isabelle" he said.

I nodded in agreement. I wanted to see my baby.

I take one final look at our room and walk out grabbing Tobias' hand on the way. We lock the door as we head out and go get Isabelle. Hopefully she's asleep and okay.

Tomorrow we would try and find whoever did this.

A/N: ahh this is a really short chapter... I'm sorry!!! School has been keeping me supper busy and I barely have time to do anything but homework, but I had to update so here you go. Sorry it's sucky. Vote and comment!! Tell me what you think. I don't really know where I'm going with this.

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