Chapter 19 Two Truths, One Lie

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Jay's Pov (movie)

I was lucky that it was too dark to see any of our faces, because my jaw was pretty much to the floor.

"Y-you're letting us go?" I asked still in disbelief. Stellar raised an eyebrow before walking over to me.

"I've already cemented the door shut, so even if I was lying, there's no way for me to leave now," Stellar replied, while she pointed her pen like device at me. My heart began to race at the fear of her using it on me.

"Hey whoa whoa what are you--".


I looked down to see that my arms were now free from the chains.
"How did you do that?" I questioned.

"This thing doesn't just cement objects together. It can also cut the toughest metals in half," Stellar explained as she held up her invention.

"So that's what you used back at the jewelry st--" Cole started but was interrupted by banging from the door.

"Stellar, what's going on in there?" Someone said from the other side. They tried to open the door, but there was little success.

"Come on, we don't have much time," She continued before cutting Cole's chains off too. The two of us stood up as Stellar walked over towards one of the walls. She pointed her device at it; a lazer soon shot out, cutting the wall to make one big circle. The banging behind us continued.

"Stellar! Open this door!" A new voice shouted through the metal door. Stellar froze on the spot from the new person speaking. She stopped cutting, moving, and I think even breathing. The voice felt familiar, but Stellar such knew who it was. Both me and Cole looked at eachother. We then glanced back at the frozen person in between us. I noticed Stellar's grip on her device tightened, before she shook her head. The red head continued to cut through the wall as the banging from the door grew louder. Once the circle was complete, Stellar motioned for Cole to do the next part. He walked over to the wall and gave it a small push before the whole circle fell. The opening in the wall revealed the darkened outside with a slight cool breeze brushing past me. Stellar didn't waste a second. She was already running down the street. Cole and I joined her, and the warehouse soon grew smaller.

No one's Pov

It wasn't long before the metal door was knocked down, and Damian came rushing inside. He halted once he saw that large opening in the wall. Fury soon built up in his gaze as he clenched his fists. Quill came up from behind him and grew weary at the sight.

'She... she really was serious...,' He thought as the wind from outside blew through him.

"Quill...," Damian muttered. The sudden, aggressive tone he gave nearly startled the young man.

"Y-yes... sir?" He questioned. Damian gave him a glance, and Quill could see the rage burning in his eyes.

"Get the tea ready. We're commencing plan B tonight instead," He said.

"B-but sir... the tea still isn't ready-".

"Then get it READY!" Damian nearly screamed. Quill backed away from fear and gave a slight nod. Damian then took in a deep breath before calming himself.
"And have those DNA samples ready as well. Garmadon may had wounded part of our previous plan, but those samples can still serve their purpose,".
Quill gave another nod as he ran out of the room. Once he was far enough away from Damian, he slowed down.

"Be careful out there, Stellar," He whispered before continuing to his courtiers.

Jay's Pov (show)

After the few of us got cleaned up, we walked back to the warehouse. Me, Kai, Nya, and Lloyd's copy all went to his apartment, while the rest stayed back to wash up in the Bounty; it still shocked me that they had that thing. All of us were now wearing our normal clothes, and it honestly felt good to get out of that suit. Lloyd's copy's mom agreed to wash them for us, while we relaxed for the rest of the night, which sounded amazing.

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